Search results

  1. Dave in KC

    4 Pork Butts

    Sis-n-Law conned me into smoking 4 butts for her on the WSK this weekend. Apologies in advance for the dirty grills.
  2. Dave in KC

    Smoke Day Brisket Battle

    TWO GRILLS- SMOKE FIRE vs SUMMIT KAMADO TWO PRIME PACKERS FROM SAM'S Which grill will smoke a better brisket?
  3. Dave in KC


    Our boy Trevor is back, and yes the grease pan in the Summit is still crooked. :ROFLMAO: Aside from that and his hatred of the side burner, he is pretty much dead on with this review, in my opinion. Any model Genesis does pack in lots of value and bang for the buck. The Summit.... eh, not...
  4. Dave in KC


    I was hoping to use these on a resto, but the unit is in bad shape. There will likely be some used parts available also if someone is interested. Fire box + Burners + Flavorizers = $300. DM if you are interested. All are still boxed in original packaging. Shipping available at buyer's expense.
  5. Dave in KC

    Brand New Wooden Handled 18.5 WSM Not mine- its near the Lake of the Ozarks. A great find for someone.
  6. Dave in KC

    It's #superbowlweekend2023 ... HOW ABOUT THOSE CHIEFS!!!

    Superbowl Sunday is here. I didn't have the time to assemble the full family of reds, but I did manage to get the newest ones that I have added over the last year. The 14 WSM is brand new tomato red from Jeff at IPE. All others are original Weber and Happy Cooker finishes. Love my...
  7. Dave in KC

    New Weber Griddle

    First I have heard about this. Am I slow getting to the party or this brand new "news" ??
  8. Dave in KC

    Anyone here converted a Genesis ii NG to LP?

    I am looing specifically for info on obtaining the correct orifices to convert a 3 year old Genesis ii. If you happen to know of a source or have a link, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  9. Dave in KC

    Weber Genesis 310/320/330 LP to NG Conversion Kit $25

    Selling a conversion kit for the Genesis 330. This includes all 5 orifices. However, if you have a 310 or 320, this kit will still work, as you will only need the 3 main, plus one if you have a side or sear burner. Also includes the proper sized nut drivers and the hose adapter. The LP...
  10. Dave in KC

    SSP Ash Catcher Assembly Info Needed

    Does anyone know what the model # is for this old style ash catcher assembly? These were available on the SSP and the Master Touch. I need the model # and would also like to know if they are obsolete or still available. Thanks in advance.
  11. Dave in KC

    Blue 330

    I recently picked up one the very rare blue side winders. The frame and floor had seen better days, but the lid and doors look great as a change of pace on my 330.
  12. Dave in KC

    The Guber Burger

    What is a Guber burger you ask? It is a specialty burger that hails from The Wheel Inn, in Sedalia, Mo. Sedalia is about 60 miles east of KC, and its the home of the Mo. State fair. Aside from the fairgrounds and its activities, by far the thing Sedalia is still most famous for is the Guber...
  13. Dave in KC

    Smashburger on the 330

    So many ways to cook a good burger .... This is the method I chose to go with yesterday on the Genesis E330 that I restored last fall. It was originally black, but I opted to go with Tomato Red, the same color that found on the beautiful Coleman lanterns of the 60's and 70's. It has sat in...
  14. Dave in KC

    WORDLE - the latest thing Thank me, or curse me, AFTER you try it.
  15. Dave in KC

    The WEBteq

    I mentioned a few weeks back that the Recteq Bullseye was on sale with free shipping- still is if you are interested. I searched a couple of pages and noticed that it is a nice easy fit directly into a Performer frame. Having a nice spare SSP, the wheels were set in motion. Introducing...
  16. Dave in KC

    Genesis ... Old Meets New

    Since Weber refused to make a bright red Genesis for the last 20 years, I made my own. Huge thanks to Jeff at Independence Porcelain Enamel for the gorgeous tomato red lid work. This will be my new daily cooker next year. I finally made one that intend to keep. :D
  17. Dave in KC

    One of a Kind Gas Go Anywhere Grill

    After being in lust for a Snap-On CGA for quite a long while and realizing I will likely never acquire one ... I opted to go a slightly different route. My main interest in the Snap-On quite simply is the beautiful red color. Oh, and the wooden handles. Snap-On means nothing to me. Also, in...
  18. Dave in KC

    Lou Malnati's Pizza on the Smokefire

    Best lunch I have had in a while.
  19. Dave in KC

    RecTeq Bullseye on $ale !!

    $349 delivered...
  20. Dave in KC

    New Genesis for 2022 ???

    I am hearing rumors of an all new Genesis for next year. All new design, and a price increase to boot. Anyone here a retailer, or privy to this info? Can't wait to see a few pics.

