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    Dennis, Thanks for your service to our country and for protecting our freedoms. I'm looking forward to my first smoke. Hopefully, I will post some pictures. Welcome back home.
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    Soo's Rules

    What was the difference - better flavor, degree of tenderness, texture, less smoke? Can you elaborate on why the higher temps produced a better rib?
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    Chicken Techniques

    During competitions are you permitted to use any part of the chicken? Some cooks only use thighs because of the fat content prevets the meat from becoming too dry. Do you prefer cooking the whole chicken and do you ever use cup cake pans or beer when competing to provide uniformity and moisture?
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    Chicken Techniques

    How do you prepare chicken during competitions?
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    Soo's Rules

    Do you have certain techniques or BBQ rules that you adhere to no matter where or what you are cooking that could be applied to any situation in achieving delicious BBQ?
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    Pulled Pork

    Do you season you pork after you pull it apart and when do you add your sauces?
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    Seasoning your pit.

    So, are you saying that you would not recommend smoking salmon in a WSM if you use the WSM to also cook ribs and butts or vice versa? If so are you speaking from a competitor's perspective or the average backyard BBQ'er. Do meats pick up tainted flavors from previous cooks?
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    Temperature Control

    When you BBQ different kinds of meat low and slow, do you aim for a different temp range for each kind of meat or do you have a particular temp you like to use no matter what kind of meat you are cooking all things being equal while keeping the temperature steady? Do you have a “sweet spot”...
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    Resting Your Meat

    How long should a foil-wrapped pork butt be allowed to rest after placing it in a cooler? Will the meat stay hot and juicy for a long time? When would be the typical serving time after wrapping the butt with foil? I plan to pull the pork apart with a fork and serve with sauce on the side.
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    Beef Spare Ribs

    Where is a good place to get beef spare ribs? I'm having trouble finding them at my local grocery store. Is this a seasonal item or do I need to ask the butcher for spare ribs? Usually pork baby back ribs are always available.
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    Smoking Techniques

    What is the best way to smoke your food? I have read that some people wrap fist-sized wood chunks in punctured aluminum foil while others simply throw chunks directly onto the hot coals. Which is better? I thought you want to avoid smoker wood flare-ups.

