Search results

  1. Jim Lampe

    500 days until retirement

    Congratulations @ChuckO It’ll go fast. I retired about a year and a half ago. And loving it! No more waking to alarms at 3:30am!
  2. Jim Lampe

    Muffuletta Dinner

    Looks Outstanding!! for years, we'd call Central Grocery in Nawleans to order and ship to us at least six of their famous Muffulettas... i remember the cost was about 14 bucks each shipping included... i also remember feeling like i was in HEAVEN just holding a slice of that wonderful...
  3. Jim Lampe

    Beware the grinder!

    @Brad Olson This is Jim Rockford. At the tone leave your name and message. I'll get back to you.
  4. Jim Lampe

    Kirkland Signature Professional Briquets

    check it out from the BBQ Brethren forums...
  5. Jim Lampe

    Hanger Steak - AKA Butchers cut....mmm good.

    been grilling hangers for years... do a search for HANGER in this forum... plenty of threads on it.
  6. Jim Lampe

    Three grown men GRILLING INDOORS

    Seen this paint advertisement on television Notice how close they are to a outdoor porch/closed patio doors AND the closed window AND the Weber style kettle grill with an ash pan on the base with the tuck away lid holder… Not to mention ashes on the floor….
  7. Jim Lampe

    Another scarce item due to Covid-19

    this OP is 3 years old. you'da thunk it'd be closer back to normal by now, to normal as normal could be.
  8. Jim Lampe

    Something completely different - pork burgers

    if there are no photos, it didn't happen.
  9. Jim Lampe

    Kingsford Professional on sale again at Costco

    Brought two 30lb B&B char-logs for 22 bucks a bag. And I’m gonna start a new Cult. Follow cuz it’s gonna be inspiring!
  10. Jim Lampe

    Kingsford Professional on sale again at Costco

    not seeing it at that price in New Berlin Wisconsin :( and i'm two bags close to being broke. ...and the closest business center is in (chicago).
  11. Jim Lampe


    thanks, that was fun for 6 minutes
  12. Jim Lampe

    It was the 4th of July

    Fun Times, for sure and certainly great tasting eats, too, @Michael Richards I still do this method AT LEAST once a week, seriously! too often, my wife is bored to tears with them so i dress'em up differently everytime.
  13. Jim Lampe

    Post your city, please

    C’mon over! Fridge stocked as well as the freezer. I’ll watch 😋
  14. Jim Lampe

    Post your city, please

    ...and i'll one up on @Bob Bailey.... here's my kitchen counter and sink, wanna make some breakfast? I'm hungry.
  15. Jim Lampe

    Mower Deck Cleaning/Protection [zero-turn, riding mower, tractor]

    the last three winters, we have stored our 3 yr old zero-turn with a local power equipment sales and service company. they offer different packages, one being it picked up/delivery, heated storage (50°F min) and basic tune-up. we have chosen the top package where they pick-up/deliver, heated...
  16. Jim Lampe

    What Causes Green Pork Butts?

    Irish pigs?
  17. Jim Lampe

    Selling Weber Flame

    it really does. i welded an 11ga stainless steel replacement for the old Weber outdoor firepit center portion and was gonna use that (it fit the Yukon perfectly) with a steel plate atop, but my wife bought the solo deflector for me.
  18. Jim Lampe

    Selling Weber Flame

    Yes… years ago. My neighbor (at the time) gave me theirs. They would not accept the cash I offered to them, so I paid them in BBQ ribs, brisket and ABTs. Just sold it this early spring. They sold their old 1900 farmhouse and land to Satan’s cousin, unbeknownst to them… and bought a retirement...
  19. Jim Lampe

    New from Milwaukee

    Hey Eddie! Welcome! What part of BeerCity you in?

