Search results

  1. M

    All things JERK....Rub, Paste, Marinade Qestions

    Just did some jerked ribs this last Sunday. I used the marinade (WW) for 24 hours then wiped them down and applied a jerk dry rub (no salt & little heat in the rub) before throwing on the smoker. Used a little apple wood and a several sequential foil packs of whole Allspice berries for smoke...
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    Conchinita Pibil without banana leaves?

    Mark, You might want to check out this and this if you haven't already.
  3. M

    Pizza Stone for 18.5" Kettle Pizza

    Jim, Steel can be great in the home oven (although the 1/4" thickness of the overpriced Baking Steel is inadequate IMO) however in a grill situation you will be much better off with a stone of sorts. With the steel your bottom crust will be toast (burnt toast) way before the top has a chance to...
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    I emailed him (Kevin) a few weeks back: He's just REALLY busy out in Vegas. New clients, lots of projects. Still checks in when he can find the time.
  5. M

    Easter Lamb Smoke

    Richard, Check out the Recipe Forum with a search for lamb. There are several good ideas in there.
  6. M

    Corned Beef Brisket on the WSM

    Bet those pickled mustard seeds went really well! Nice.
  7. M

    small hunks of grilled meat

    "I could use a plate like that right after I get done snowblowing the 6 inches of white stuff that fell today" Sorry. Buck up. After 28 inches just a few weeks ago hard to compassion for 6 inches. Jim, nice cook as always!
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    Homemade char siu for ramen

    Gary, That's just outstanding! Nice job.
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    I just ordered a new kitchen faucet

    Looks great! Think you'll love it.
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    The All Encompassing Beer Thread

    Plus one to that.
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    Sunday night leg o' lamb

    Brian, Loving the lamb! Your own broccoli? Awesome.
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    Pepper Stout Beef

    Laura, It's great over some mashed potatoes!
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    My first go around with pancetta

    Really nice job and photos!
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    Dave, Looks great! I made a couple last year (different recipe) and wasn't really happy. Maybe the recipes, maybe the loins. I think there is some still vac-packed in the fridge. Have to sample again and maybe give it another go.
  15. M

    Butt All Rubbed Down and Nowhere to Go?

    Just put in on the smoker tomorrow and don't worry. Everything will be fine.
  16. M

    Any good chicken thigh recipes for smoking?

    A check of the recipe/poultry forum results in thirty-three hits and while not everyone is specifically about thighs you can certainly gain some good ideas on recipe as well as technique from there. Roadside Chicken is a great place to start. Let us know what you do!
  17. M

    Grilled Rattlesnake?

    You know... in fun, I get it but..... Little dissipointed.
  18. M

    humidity controller question

    Jeff, Check you email.
  19. M

    humidity controller question

    "relay contact point current: AC 5A/220V" I think it was originally thought to be 5Amp/120VAC That's even better as that means 10 AMP/120VAC. The humidifier you specked has a draw that is probably less the 1 amp*. I sent an email to Crane-Tech Support to confirm. *From another website the...

