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  1. M

    Question on Curing Pastrami

    "I go through enough foodsaver rolls with the finished products!" Exactly!
  2. M

    Makin Bacon - I hope !

    Looks fantastic! It really shouldn't matter as to up down or even sidewise. The whole idea of smoking the bacon is not to be at a temp. that is going to render any fat. Looking forward to the results!
  3. M

    Question on Curing Pastrami

    Jon, It might help but I've read stuff that it doesn't. I do it because I know the bags won't open when I do my flips and massage. Had a bit of communication about this topic with Kevin Kruger a while ago. His thought was to leave some space in the bag seems important. You want to be able to let...
  4. M

    Question on Curing Pastrami

    I almost always vac-seal but do not pull a tight vacuum. You want to leave a little space. No reduction on the cure time.
  5. M

    Vented hood question, want opinions

    Remote In-Line: Fantech
  6. M

    Money Pit Pizza

    Big, big fan of steel plate. Nice looking.
  7. M

    Squeeze Butter

    "It's margarine. It's disgusting." Agreed!
  8. M

    Should I wait til the temp drops to 225 before putting baby backs on?

    275 for ribs... always works well for me. Low and slow enough but not "crazy" slow. Same with butts. 225 is just too low for my cooks. Tried in both ways and don't see/taste a difference. JMO
  9. M

    Grilled Leg of Lamb

    Mark, that's a $50 plate right there! Lamb looks as though it's cooked perfect!
  10. M

    Winter storage suggestions?

    Seriously? Put it away for the winter or the "rainy season"....? Could never go that long without. Derek, winter is my favorite time to smoke! Ron, Your thoughts are sound on storage but...
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    Squeeze Butter

    I believe ALL squeeze products are of a "margarine" nature. Ugh. Not on my Q!
  12. M

    Korean Style Short Ribs

    I know what I'm making this weekend! Nice stuff!
  13. M

    Old Bay Recipe - Worst Ever

    Rita, Thank you for that!
  14. M

    Preloading Charcoal Night Before for "Overnight" Brisket

    Welcome Gary. You will be fine pre-loading (no rain). Standard operating procedure here. The Brisket: Whatever fits my schedule. Sometimes it's fun to do a long cook. Other times it's just get it done. Final product between the two methods seems pretty similar.
  15. M

    Ah, the single life

    "Sierra Nevada" in a can? Really. I didn't know of such things. Nice cook and enjoy your few remaining hours of "me" time!
  16. M

    Old Bay Recipe - Worst Ever

    "It's good on shrimp/crab, " and popcorn.... Would of never thought on pork and you apparently now conform.
  17. M

    Custom Kitchen Knives

    Victor, This is a great knife to start with, I can't tell you how great (for the money) it's been.
  18. M

    Enchiladas verdes...( green sauce enchiladas)

    Can't tell how much I wish I had some of those now. Nice cook!
  19. M

    I love bologna

    "Does your bologna have a first name?".... What troubles me is I remember this!!! And Troy, looks good!
  20. M

    Duck Breast

    "I never had duck before." Tony, Please do! It's fantastic and incredible and Mr. Stillwell did a great job on his post!

