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  1. G

    Cannister vs 20lb tank

    This appears to be another case of someone thinking that the time specified was too short so they stated their own interpretation of the time required. Guy is correct - allow 15 to 20 seconds and you can't go wrong (you actually only need 10 seconds max) If it does not reset after 20 seconds...
  2. G

    A nice gaget for the portable Q's

    I thought this was kina nice for those of you who haul your Q to the beach or picnics or what have you . might be just the ticket for some of us . here a link to it what a you guys think ? I really like it all you would have to carry extra is the same hook up...
  3. G

    Beans in WSM

    I hate grease and we put ours on under the butts about 3 or 4 hrs befor the butts are done ! meaning the end of the cook . So most of the dripping is done BEFOR the beans go on ! They get a little but not enough to makem a greasse mess IMHO . If I think they might get to much I just slide the...
  4. G

    HH today

    To bad I agree good brisket is hard to beat ! So keep trying ! My last one took 17 hrs a full packer and was OMG good . Never tried HH thou . I always do butts over brisket and it IMO helps a lot with those butts dripping on the brisket basting it . Thou iam sure some a disagree .
  5. G

    10 Pork Butts - 2 WSM..........

    From what he says he is doing smaller butts than I did and 3 fit fine no fancy stacking required on the top rack .
  6. G

    Turbinado sugar.

    Isn't this turbinado sugar a fancy name for plain ole unrefined raw sugar ?
  7. G

    Deer Roast

    Having ate a lot a deer meat yrs ago MOST are way to lean to smoke but thats IMO . I did help gut 1 deer one time in many yrs that was full a fat shot in a corn field but those are few and far between again IMO . cook to med rare and it a be fine if it was not eating pine trees to survive . If...
  8. G

    10 Pork Butts - 2 WSM..........

    My last butt cook was on the 4th of July I did 29 lbs on the top rack and a packer on the bottom no problem didn't have to lean nuthen . YMMV
  9. G

    Difficulty lighting/How do you clean the spider guard?

    Being a kina tool guy I use a cheapo paint sprayer cleaner brushes they work great and are made for cleaning out tiny holes and the set comes on a little ring with all kina sizes and tiny brushes . These have worked on every gas grill I have ever had over a 30 yr time period . There great to...
  10. G

    Beans in WSM

    Thats just what my wife and myself did about 35 yrs ago we came up with a bean recipe we like . And so has just about everyone thats tried them . Ive done them in a oven on a grill and 4 4 or 5 diffrent smokers and the wsm always in a cast iron pot . we luvem they start with regular ol Bushes...
  11. G

    Pork Loin with a Kick!

    Looks great ! Hope I do half as well this weekend on mine
  12. G

    Recalibrating an ET-73

    I read some were here that IF your probes get wet boil them in cooking oil and all is well ! Duno fer sure never had to do it ! But I did read that .
  13. G

    Giant Whole Pork Loin Need Ideas !

    O man I love stuffed chops so there goes some of it and yap I agree some has to go thinner for reg chops and then I guess I will grill the rest with a cherry sauce my wife makes up so seems like problem solved ! Thanks guys How do you do the Canadian bacon ? I love the stuf but it is so dang...
  14. G

    Am I The Only One ?

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave Russell: I'd bring it down to size by cutting off some nice thick chops and freezing those for later... unless you're inviting a troop of boy...
  15. G

    Am I The Only One ?

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave Russell: Too funny!!!! Whatcha gonna do with that pork loin? I guess the best recipe I've found has been the soda-brined with cherry-chipotle...
  16. G

    Am I The Only One ?

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave Russell: Man, it's HARD to leave Sams without something to cook, and my local grocer has St. Louis ribs on sale this week! They're killing me! I...
  17. G

    Am I The Only One ?

    So I go to Sams this morning to pick up my wifes meds . I went nuts buying meat I bought steaks a giant pork loin pork chops 90/10 burger brats and more . Am I the only one that loses control when they pass a meat counter Just the other day I bought a pile a chicken and 4 10# butts and ribs ...
  18. G

    Giant Whole Pork Loin Need Ideas !

    We have cooked small ones but I went and bought a whole giant pork loin looks like its 30+ inches long and about 6 or so inches round maybe more ! The thing was wider than the cart at Sams Club . So How would you guys cook this thing Smoke it ? Grill it ? Cut it into 3 or 4 pieces ? Rub it...
  19. G

    Brisket - Low and slow vs High Heat method... low & slow wins?

    Personaly I consider anything on a steady 300 + to be HH and low and slow anthing below that steady I cook at about 235 to 250 most a the time . My cooker seems to naturaly run at 235 to 250 without much fuss duno why So IMHO your cooken low and slow !
  20. G

    Brisket - Low and slow vs High Heat method... low & slow wins?

    I 100% agree BUT there are a lot a folks here thou NOT ALL that like the HH method because it saves them so much time ! And I gotta say if I wasn't a retired person I would try HH because without it I most likely would not get to smoke much back when I was working ! Having said that I do prefer...

