You know you're into Barbeque When..... *****

The first thing that you pack when going on vacation is your smoker and you look for places to pick up meat along the way.
... you get a grill tattooed on the back of your hand.
...when you have 37 eighteen pound bags of Kingsford stacked the garage and another 37 little bottles of KC Masterpiece in the pantry thanks to that dang coupon!
icon_biggrin.gif're wife is pregnant with a baby boy and you're trying to sell her on the idea of "Weber" as a middle name.

Yes.... she shot me down.
When its 9:45PM and the last thing you do before retiring for the night is to check the TVWB message board.
when your friends only ask you, and no one else-"so whatcha bringin' to the potluck-picnic-party?"
when you spend your lunch breaks at work looking for different kinds of smoke wood and the best deal on charcoal.

