You know you're into Barbeque When..... *****

When your garage is almost as well stocked as your kitchen, because the grills and smokers are right outside the garage door.
when you know the location of every red weber kettle and poor ecb owner in your home town. I guess I'm a grill gawker
When everytime you see a friend, family member and they ask you when are you going to cook them some Q.
Now I am cooking all of the Varsity football games in my hometown because the word is out. Dales a sucker.
When you go into a chain Q restaurant and start taste testing their sauce like its a fine red wine. Then you make a comment like, 'I can do better than this garbage'.
When Saturday night's dinner is a weeklong venture.

Monday - planning the meats
Tuesday - researching recipes and tips on TVWBB
Wednesday - shopping
Thursday - making the rubs/sauces & brining/prepping the meat
Friday - start cooking and plan for little sleep due to the excitement
Saturday - spend all day hovering around the WSM enjoying the smells and inviting everyone you know over.

I have gained 7 pounds since I got my WSM a month ago...
...when you run to your local butcher during your lunch at work for 32 lbs of pork butt, and when carrying the butts out of work, your fellow employees think you mutilated and bagged on of the customers.

(Happened last week)

EDIT: And Tommy, 7lbs means you only have 8lbs more to go.
...when you agree to remodel the kitchen for the wife and sell her on the idea of a bookshelf for her cookbooks and then fill it with grilling cookbooks
You don't go by time anymore to know when to flip your meat, you go by how full your beer is or how many you've had.
When at the grocery store with your wife, she doesn't think twice when you yell out "Nice Butt!"
When someone says they're serving pulled pork or beef and when you see it coming out of a crock pot, you really have to struggle to keep your composure.

When you see someone grilling with ill-chosen equipment, you can't help but wonder "WHY"???

