Yes, these fries were cooked in BRISKET FAT

I once had a cookbook by George Leonard Herter called "Bull Cook and Authentic Historical Recipes and Practices"
George was the founder of Herter's sporting goods.

In the book, he recommended frying just about anything and everything in beef fat.
He also had a recipe for pond scum soup, so..........
I believe that I have a copy of George L.'s book. Remember, "Better than need be", ?? George was quite a character but he did have some good/excellent products at very fair prices. Some were ONLY available from him. A few years ago, my wife bought me a "like new" Herter's catalog as a gag gift (Herter's had long been out of business) and I still have it. If you were a fly tyer, a sportsmen of most any caliber, he had something for you and most anything he had was BETTER THAN NEED BE:D.

You brought back some memories...

Keep on smokin',
I could not wait for a new Herter's catalog to arrive!
It's very possible that I still have an old copy, somewhere in the basement, and maybe a copy of Bull Cook too.
I'm interested in seeing how you'd collect it and the process for cooking the fries this way.
I've saved and frozen the fat trimmings from briskets, then chopped it up, and heated it in a pan over medium heat.
A crockpot would probably work well too.
Didn't McDonald's cook their fries in beef tallow up until the 80's or sometime around them? Isn't that why they were so much better back then?
I had some real nice clear beef fat left after I smoked beef ribs one time , so out of curiosity I fried my eggs in it that weekend. They weren't bad , but I like bacon grease better.

