WSM 18" not Cooling in a Timely Manner after Use


Chris OH

New member

My six year old or so 18" WSM is taking multiple hours to cool down after use. Usually, I check after an hour or so, and at that, point, it's still 200 - 250 degrees at the lid, and way too hot to put the cover back on it. After I use it, I fully close all vents including the lid, so I suspect I have a leak somewhere. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do so I don't have to continue waiting until the next morning for it to fully cool down? Thank you!

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Thanks. The leftover charcoal is NOT completely consumed the next day, so it sounds like a leak is not the primary issue. If so, I have no problem continuing to wait until the next morning to put the cover back on.
Yea that's what I usually do. What are you using for fuel? Some brands burn hotter longer.
Kingsford blue bag briquettes. Potentially related, I have noticed that my smoker temperature does seem a bit hard to control but always assumed that was due to not using water in the pan. The door does seem to have a bit more of a gap than normal, so it's probably time to try to bend it back into place a bit or even give the (expensive) Cajun Bandit door a try.
I don't think it is a good idea to put a cover on any charcoal Weber grill until the day after you use it. Kettles stay hot for hours too...

My six year old or so 18" WSM is taking multiple hours to cool down after use. Usually, I check after an hour or so, and at that, point, it's still 200 - 250 degrees at the lid, and way too hot to put the cover back on it. After I use it, I fully close all vents including the lid, so I suspect I have a leak somewhere. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do so I don't have to continue waiting until the next morning for it to fully cool down? Thank you!


Hey @Chris OH - I haven't read all of the advice/articles that everyone has posted in this thread, so forgive me if I'm just repeating what everyone else has said. I've never sat with a stopwatch and IR gun to track how long it takes my WSM to cool, but I always end up waiting before the cover goes on. Depending on how hot and/or how long I ran it, I have come back an hour or two later and she's still warm. That said, I'm also slightly paranoid about accidentally bumping the vents open when I put the cover on so I typically wait till the next day (or right before bed if I finished an overnighter that morning) before putting on a cover.
I dont think it should take multi hours to cool down , my 18 was well broke in and when the vents were closed it was around an hour to cool down so it didnt have any air leaks at all. I run it 250-275

edit to add: I did a test this evening in my 22 kettle grilling burgers with the slow n sear- lid temp gauge is over the coals and hit 500 degrees. After shutting all the vents down it took about an 1hr 10 min for lid to hit ambient outdoor temp which was 83
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