Would you pay $8 for this?

Jon there is nobody on this board who knows you that would have expected anything else. You probably have not slept since you saw that grill for 8 bucks. :)
Jon there is nobody on this board who knows you that would have expected anything else. You probably have not slept since you saw that grill for 8 bucks. :)

Well I figure it is my role to keep you guys entertained and to answer questions everyone else is smart enough to not bother asking:rolleyes:!
I can assure you that grill is not an 80's model. Maybe something from 70's but if so pre-mid 70's. For sure the Sunbeams from the late 70's into the 80's did use controls on the post. They had a control panel like a "normal" grill
I actually had a sunbeam grill in the early 80s. That's been a long time ago but I remember it being fairly decent. I think the firebox and lid were aluminium? I think it lasted longer than my later cheapo grills. I m looking forward to seeing what you can do with it Jon.
I bought one just after wife and I got married. I think I got it in spring of 86. It was a cart style with front mounted controls and an H style burner with lava rocks. It was built in the USA, very sturdy, and cooked quite decently. I later modified it with an invention I thought up myself I called heat tubes. Basically large square steel heavy gauge tubing. I actually proved my theory that the air inside would become super heated and cause circulation from the ends and that air would hit the walls of the grill on the sides and cause a swirling convection style heat. The tubes would also shield the burners and flare ups were non existent. It cooked better than you would think though it was on the smaller side and I ended up with my first Genesis fall of 92
Rich, Greg, THyde, Bruce, JKim & Larry (and anybody else who checked out this crazy thread:rolleyes:),

Yes, I am either a moron or just a hopeless collector with too much curiosity. You who predicted I would succomb were, of course, correct. I have to keep at taxes, so all I had time to do was pick it up and stash it in my far back shed/grill grave yard. Luckily, I used the trip to accomplish TWO pickups, so I don’t regret the gas and time.

Quick impression is that this is an old but, probably more like 1980s than 70s grill. It is cast aluminum but pretty small. It still had lava rocks and intact grates, and even the cheap burner looked better than would be expected. I brought along a used Broilmaster burner to try and test fit, but gave up and just laid down the eight bucks and took it without finding out.

After fall tax season and a few more important projects, I am going to let you all have one last laugh and see what I can make of this oddity. What I won’t do is sink any real money into it.

I see a few potential outcomes:

1.) I am able to retrofit with my used Broilmaster burner and set it up with ceramic pyramids I have leftover from my Broilmaster projects. Turn it into a “pocket rocket” :cool:and use it like I used to use my Q that I sold.

2.) Broilmaster burner can’t be retrofitted but existing one can be salvaged or replaced VERY cheaply. Fix it up to look nice. Enjoy looking at it for a while and then donate to our organization’s Thrift Store.:eek:

3.) Nothing works and getting it to work will entail more $ than I am willing to toss at it. Scrap metal; hang my head and listen to The Who “Won’t get fooled again!”:(

Jon with you at the helm I predict a strong #1! Really looking forward to seeing the end result.
Must be karma look what popped up right in my stomping grounds.


First Sunbeam I've ever seen.
And the answer is no Jon, I'm not going to get it.:p


That is really funny! Even I wouldn’t get that chinajunk one. I am hoping that Larry is right and that mine is some kind of time warp and really is a Made in USA 1970s Sunbeam. There can’t be too many of those left.

I will keep you guys laughing - I mean posted:rolleyes:!
Jon with you at the helm I predict a strong #1! Really looking forward to seeing the end result.

It will be interesting if nothing else! If the Broilmaster burner can be made to fit, maybe I will add some GrillGrates to complete the “pocket rocket” effect:cool:
Congrats on getting another to add to your stable.

I haven't "known" you long, but could tell right away that you'd probably end up with it.

Good luck with it - whatever your outcome, I'm sure you will learn a little something in the process!
I wouldn't however your wife might kill you even if you brought that home for free. How many acres do you have to store this stuff. :)

I keep my old grill parts stashed way back under the deck behind the lattice. My wife doesn't know they're there. It works for me. An idea for anyone that might need it.
I keep my old grill parts stashed way back under the deck behind the lattice. My wife doesn't know they're there. It works for me. An idea for anyone that might need it.

I have access to a shed on our campground - the Weber grill graveyard. It is stuffed. I stash projects in my “far back” yard where my wife seldom ventures or cares about. And, I have several projects in progress which make a mess out of my main backyard. No more room:(!
That spare guest room could use a nice red head in the corner Jon. Red Head Grill, no the other kind of red head.
That spare guest room could use a nice red head in the corner Jon. Red Head Grill, no the other kind of red head.


Actually, I DO have a 1974 18” Weber kettle (the 49’er) on display in my work office. It gets a number of comments and questions! I got it for a whopping $10 and thought it was a cool restoration for collector purposes.




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I used to have on of those and it had a rotisserie burner in the back also. As a grill it did not cook well. Lots of flare ups, really bad hot spots just not a good overall grill but as a rotisserie machine it was outstanding

