wooden handles? (update on baby blue kettle)

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guys, i would like to see conversations kinda stay on topic. then if we go off topic, we could put that under another title to make it more easier to find. so wood handles would stay under that and painting could be under that so we could find that easier. i know its not easy and i do the same thing but i would hate to see the painting thing lost. or you could tell me to shut up.
Sorry George, you are my idol from Central Valley.
Boy, some poeople get so jealous!
What was the topic again?
Brian, the Blue Platinum is at my supplier. Just need to get it delivered so I can get some pics of it. Will keep you posted.
George I apologize, AJ and myself like to use this as our personal insult chat board. It is 90% nonsense as I'm sure you know. I would be embarassed to start a new thread with this crap, people would think I'm a bigger numbskull than they already do. I realize that not everyone likes my special brand of humor, but there are a few nuggets of good stuff in our sillyness. You have to take the good with the bad. I can't tell you I'll always stay on topic, but I can say I'm sorry when I stray off. Don't be mad. Maybe you want to take a few shots at AJ too, it always makes me feel better,

Uh Yeah George, what he said. I think?

Insert Obligatory on topic key words here: BBQ Grill Paint, wood handles.. Frre CGA in Visalia.
i don't mind all the chat? but i'm worried that some painting info might get lost in all this. actually the back and forth cracks me up. i'd say something smart but not sure how plus i don't want to interrupt the love fest !
A little bit chattiness is fine, a lot is a waste of bandwidth, storage, and time.

I would ask members to minimize the chattiness and keep discussions on-topic so as to provide the most benefit to all members.

Originally posted by Chris Allingham:
A little bit chattiness is fine, a lot is a waste of bandwidth, storage, and time.

I would ask members to minimize the chattiness and keep discussions on-topic so as to provide the most benefit to all members.


This disgusts me.

I understand its your site and you make the rules.

But I feel that moderation comments like this are what drive people away and prevent community growth.

I like the site a lot. I LOVE that the knowledge density is high and the idiot density is low.
I participate on several other forums, but the ratio of intelligence to ignorance is considerably worse on other sites.

The friendships and camaraderie that exist here are a valuable asset to me.

It pains me to see people disappearing from participation. That means this community is getting smaller - and slower.
just to clarify a bit, i understand the whole 'keep it on topic' argument. I've seen off topic conversations ruin a forum.

I just don't think i've seen a harmful off topic conversation on this site.

i'm passionate about this site AND about this topic. I have experience with exactly this (online communities). I'd rather not go into details of my experience - but please know that I voice my opinion because I want to help. I'm certainly not trying to disrupt things or harm the community.
well troy, when you sign up you should know that its chris's site and he sets the rules that you are supposed to abide to. one is to stay on topic. chris actually doesn't mind some banter and he's been almost loose with that and it works well. he pays for and runs this site which is not easy. so i would say that if its not to yer taste then look elsewhere. but we/i would rather you stay. i'm not talking for chris but for myself as i want this site to continue forever.
I appreciate everyone's point of view on this. I'm passionate about this forum. We just hit 12 years online this month, and I'm really proud of the community we've built here. I want this to be the best place on the planet to discuss Weber products.

For me, it's always been a balancing act. Balancing between content and socializing. I believe it's easy to socialize. Anyone can create a website where people hang out and have fun talking about stuff. It's hard to provide great content. So I tend to favor the content side of the equation. I always figured that if the content was good, people would come. I do sometimes worry that the content gets lost in all of the chatter.

However, as George noted, I have slacked off a bit in the last 18 months or so, allowing more of the social aspect of things to flourish. Not everyone likes that. A few long-time members have drifted away as conversation focused more on Photo Gallery, Trading Post--two very social-oriented forums. But we've also seen steady growth in members and overall discusion forum usage, so I'm OK with the way things are evolving over time.

I would ask members like Troy and AJ and Brian and George and others to think about this balancing act of good content vs. socializing/chat and help us find the right balance as a community. I don't want to drive anyone away, as Troy fears, but I also don't want to go so far the other direction that we lose sight of the mission of this forum...to discuss Weber products and barbecuing and grilling in general, to share good information with one another, to answer questions, to spark ideas, to help newbies in a friendly, supportive environment.

Thanks for taking time to think about this,
I joined in 08 and things have changed.For better or whatever that's up to the individual. I like to read posts to gain some knowledge or tips. If it's a question on using a piece of gear or a specific cooking ingredient, or what went wrong or why, I'll chime in if I think I can add anything to the conversation.
I understand that certain topics can get on the chatty side and I'm cool with that, but sometimes you get a little bit lost and lose sight of the OP which can be frustrating for a newbie.
Anyhow that as always is just my opinion, and this is the greatest site on the "planet" to discuss all things BBQ, and congrats on the 12yr anniversary.

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