Why do ppl Boil Ribs?



Is there a reason? or is it a time thing? I guess you really cant heat over 215 deg, right? At what point do you pull and start to smoke? I was asked if I boil my ribs? That to me is like a Southerner using instant grits.

Vinny Gambini: Regular. Instant grits?
Mr. Tipton: No self-respectin' Southerner uses instant grits. I take pride in my grits.
I suspect people boil ribs because they mistakenly think that's the only way to get them tender. GAG! GAG! GAG!

As we know, you can get anything from nearly too tough to eat, through competition bite, to fall off the bone on a good smoker with good technique. The trick is to get the degree of tenderness that YOU prefer predictably. My self, I prefer a bit more tender than competition ribs, so that's what I do.

Most people that I have met that are not smokers, prefer fall off the bone. I draw the line, more tender than competition ribs but this side of mushy, my self. The "tear test" works for me.

Keep on smokin',
It's how indoor cooks get their ribs tender. It's actually not that different than foiling ribs with liquid and putting them on the bbq for an hour or two if you think about it. Ok you foilers can all yell at me now.
OK, now that's out of the way. I simply disagree LOL! I actually like ribs both with and without foiling. However, the rest of my family prefers the tenderness that comes with foiling (I like BARK!:rolleyes:)... So, it goes...

Keep on smokin',
I only have cooked ribs with foiling... So I foiled that one... lol I know... Don't quit my day job... I have become pretty good friends/text with Kevin Kohlman (weber) and he HIGHLY recommends Foiling atleast an hour.. I do the 2.5hr - 1.25hr (foil) - .75hr method..
I think Meathead said if you boil ribs the terrorists win. LOL I remember doin it 35 yrs ago cause I didn't know any better. I quit doin it 34.9 yrs ago.
Dwain I had a similar experience. I first time I did ribs I boiled them and then put them on the grill to brown up, per a recipe I was using. They were terrible. Never boiled again. I haven't foiled for the last 10 years, but I do brine them in a mixture of apple cider and cut lemmons thrown in for at least 24 hours. I spray them with apple cider during the cook.
Is there a reason? or is it a time thing? I guess you really cant heat over 215 deg, right? At what point do you pull and start to smoke? I was asked if I boil my ribs? That to me is like a Southerner using instant grits.

Vinny Gambini: Regular. Instant grits?
Mr. Tipton: No self-respectin' Southerner uses instant grits. I take pride in my grits.

I'm not a fan of boiling meat, but in Las Vegas they stand in line at Joe Mulls Road Kill to get boiled ribs. Guy Fieri checks it out ....

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They do it because they do not know any better. They don't realize they are making pork stock and pulling the flavor out of the ribs
I think there are way too many people that don't want to wait 5-6 hours for true low and slow ribs. Plus,a bunch that just don't know any better! I've done passable ribs at 325* and much better at 225*! I do remember one guy I worked with acouple years ago. He was a tied and true charcoal guy. Even had a chimney! But he BAKED his ribs before grilling them! He said he just couldn't boil them!

To change the subject,I was shocked a few weeks ago. America's Test Kitchen actually boiled some ribs! They then grilled them, saying that it was a good way to get ribs during the week! I was %$#@*&^ shocked! :eek:
When I first met my late brother in law from St Louis (Rest In Pieces), he served up some CSRs that were boiling in a pot of BBQ sauce. "That's how he & his family does them" my sister said. We drove out some of her belongings (piano, etc) right around the time they were getting married.

I'd only gotten interested in BBQ several months earlier, and I made sure me, my dad, & brother stopped at a couple authentic (read: hole in the wall) BBQ joints in Kansas City, KS. I was surprised to see the food served on butcher paper & lunch trays (fast food trays) but it was a nice introduction....much different than I was used to back in ~1997.

I threw on a rack of FROZEN babybacks for lunch late last week...on the genesis. 2 hours later they were done......... Not TLC & charcoal delicious, but I could make it work with another try or three. I was checking to see if they were ready for foil when I realized they were already done.

~3-4 years ago I stopped in on my cousin while passing through town & they served me up some greasy pulled pork out of a crockpot - I even enjoyed that :) ---I wouldn't ever cook it like that, but I enjoyed it!
Back in the 80's, I boiled my ribs and finished them on the BBQ. I didn't know better. In the 90's I got a "el cheapo brinkman" and I learned how to cook good ribs. Couple years back, I learned the easy way to cook ribs, I got my WSM :)
People just don't know any better. It's the same when people say "I make the perfect fall off the bone ribs" Unfortunately boiling them, boils all the fat and flavor out and fall off the bone is way over done. It's your duty as a BBQ ninja to teach and educate the folks of this beautiful nation. To honor and respect gods gift to us Pork Eating Crusaders. It is your civil duty to never let a piece of swine to be disrespected by the boiling pot. MERCA!
I always thought they did it because they didn't want to remove the membrane, but most non-BBQ restaurants do it for ease and speed.
Order comes in they pull the fully cooked (boiled) rib out of the fridge and toss it on the grill then drench it with some open pit sauce. In 10-15 mins you have a plate of BBQ mush and one of the reasons I don't order restaurant ribs.

Boiled meat is for peasants, lol!

I think most people resort to it after unsuccessfully trying to grill ribs and them coming out tough.

Those same people often do very little research into the meat they are cooking on what temp to cook the meat too also.

A quick Google search can narrow down cooking methods and target internal temps, etc. I think part of it is just being too lazy. Another part could just be that's is all they are used to, never having a properly cooked/ smoked rib. Heck, you can bake/foil ribs in the oven and finish off on the grill and still turn out pretty good.

