Whole wings or separated?

I find it's so much more convenient to cook them whole (sans tips), but I use a small, pointed knife to snip the 2 bones apart at the free end before cooking. The smaller bone usually slips right out after cooking.

Bob's video takes the process one step higher. Good one, Bob!

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Do you trim the tip and cook the whole rest of the wing? Or do you separate them into drumette's and middle sections? Any benefit to leaving whole besides the effort?

Wow, I'm SO a separate the wing person. I cut off the tip and save that for homemade chicken stock, along with feet and backbone from spatchcocking (you should see my freezer).
I'm also a flat part rather than the drumette type of person....wonder what that means about me?
I'm a firm believer in the separation of flats and drumettes. I also believe in capital punishment for the wing tips.
both ways is alright by me...
including the wingtips, why knot?

after reading this thread, I gotta go get some now...
Nope. You just want to sit at the table pulling the bones out of the flats

Yah yah, me too! The grill is all heated up (>500f), waiting for my cousin to show up before I throw some on tonight. I've seen the video before but haven't tried it yet.

>>>edit: I tried like the video and it didn't work. Might have to crock pot the wings or cook/prep them a certain way - maybe deep fried..
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I like to separate the drumet from the flat,but leave the tip..I gives you a little handle to hold on to.
Been experimenting. The whole wing is OK. Don't like the tips. I let them run for an hour instead of 1/2 hour, then just a few seconds each over direct and they were the best I've made so far. Skin was near perfect and the bones came out of the flats really well. Rita's idea of popping a knife through the cartilage in the flats is genius!

