Who Else Misses Bugs Bunny?

When I was a really little dude, I liked watching the new zoo review.
Loved me some bugs bunny! My favorite was the one where his rabbit hole gets flooded & he floats to a evil castle & gets the best of the evil scientist & the big red guy - chicken heart(?) or was it gossamer? All the looney tunes characters were great.
Loved Tom & Jerry as well.
I remember coming home from school & watching Gilligan's Island, H. R. Puffinstuff & Sigmond & the Sea monsters.
I think I was too young for the original Dragnet; this is the one I remember:
I believe the producers of Dragnet also made the series Adam-12 and Emergency-51.
Yes, if I remember correctly there was a couple of crossover episodes when Dragnet was winding down and Adam-12 was ramping up. The one thing I remember about Dragnet is whenever the episode involved marijuana they always threw out the phrase “ reefer madness”. Still laugh at that.
Late to the party. My favorites in the Looney Tunes world are Marvin the Martian and Wile E Coyote Super Genius. But there are another bunch that I loved and reference today in conversations with my daughters. These include:

Super Chicken
George of the Jungle
Tom Slick
Milton the Monster

I can still sing most of the theme songs to those.
I just watched "Who's on First". It felt soo good to see Abbott and Costello again. Thank you J., do you have any more of them?
I just watched "Who's on First". It felt soo good to see Abbott and Costello again. Thank you J., do you have any more of them?
That showed up in my Youtube suggestions a couple of weeks ago. Bit of a rabbit hole that I'm not sure I dare go down....

