That's interesting--the butcher at my local Costco told me that they do consider the overall fat content in their labels. Perhaps that's why we sometimes still notice differences in intramuscular fat among all these "prime" cuts. I would definitely agree that some looked more like "primus minuses" with a big fat cap than true primes.Not really. When determining quality grades (prime, choice select) intramuscular fat is a main factor in determining. There are a few others such as maturity and meat color. But for the most part the amount of intramuscular is the main deciding factor. The other part to this is there are plus and minus grades for each grade. Since quality grading is strictly done by observation there is room for error since nothing is measured. The difference between choice plus and prime minus would be really hard to tell just by looking at intramuscular fat.
Overall fat content or cover fat (the amount you trim) is not part of the quality grade. This is a part of the yield grade. Cover fat like intramuscular fat is not the only factor in the yield grade but the characteristic that is weighted the most. Rarely when you buy meat at a retail store will you ever see the yield grade. Restaurants however will order based on both quality and yield grade. Quality grade that customers will recognize but a yield grade of 2 maybe 3 so they are not trimming a bunch of fat which is a loss. If you are trimming a lot of fat likely you have a yield grade 4.
Enough about meat grading and back to the basic question. For me the best brisket to buy, albeit spendy, is from Snake River Farms. These cattle are part of a strict certification program with a cross breeding program using Wagu bulls. Makes for an exceptional product with extraordinary intramuscular fat and tenderness. If you want to impress your future in laws I’d buy a Snake River Farms brisket
Not a YouTube video, but an article from a very authoritative source:In any case, I wonder if anyone has ever done a true taste test among similar brisket cuts from Costco vs. SRF. Now that would be worth watching on Youtube!