What Model Red Head Is This?


Dave in KC

Any of you that also follow the Kettle Forum may have seen the yellow kettle that I stalked for a year.
Well, directly across the street from that guy is the guy that owned this red head that I picked up today.
I stalked it for about a year also. Today as I was driving home from work in the rain, I saw the guy
getting out of his car. I stopped, and asked him if he would sell it. He said no, it was junk and I could
have it for free. He even helped me load it.

As you can see though, the old girl is in bad shape. It will take a pretty penny and lots of elbow grease to
bring this one to life, but I am thinking it will make a good winter project. However, I am not sure exactly
what model this is. It only has one shelf, with 3 slats. A wire rack hanging on the right end, No wheels on
the left facing side, and some goofy cross bar that I also have on an older Silver A parts donor.

Is this a true to life Genesis One?





Believe it or not, as bad of shape as the rest of it is,
this is the best drip pan I have seen in ages. Virtually
rust free, and will shine almost new.


Hoping I will be able to save the slats and handle, but
they are in really bad shape.
That, I believe is a Weber Genesis 1 model. That thing is in pretty rough shape. Did you get it free?
Yah, I am seeing a whole lot of them being posted this forum lately, but I have never come across one in the wild. dozens of 1000's, but nothing from the previous generation. I wonder if Weber only sold them in certain areas in their first generation era, kind of as a test marketing? My 1000 is a 1993 which is the first year of the 1000 series, but after picking up probably a dozen or so 1000's the last two years, I have yet to see a Genny 1-5. Strange.
I'm not very good yet on pinpointing years, but I believe the wide slats and black knobs make it pretty old right?

I have never seen either of those on one before. Nor the wire basket on the side, or that style of fuel gauge.
I hope one of the seasoned Vets around here can share some insight.
I had one with thermoplastic tables with blue hood! It’s currently on loan to daughter in law, I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night term loan now that I have refurbished the maroon one!
I actually considered that one but, the maroon one was five minutes away listed for $40 scored for $20.
I think Rich Dahl helped me figure out that it was a “Silver-B” my blue one had gotten some pretty rough treatment but holy cow, it threw off heat!!!!!
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So what you have is an original Genesis 1. It's from the 80's when they first came out. It has the coveted little right side basket. I have the little basket that takes the place of the lower shelf that went in this model also. If Clint ends up begging off that basket and you would like to work something out I am open to that. He's more interested in the little side basket and I cannot find the one I thought I had. So it this is something you want to restore completely to it's glory you'll need that little lower basket
The lower shelf on that model is not a shelf it's a wire shelf or basket. It's what I have as I scrounged one from the old Genesis 1 my brother in law had along with a couple other parts
I think it's a wire shelf that sits in the front part of the section between the crossmember ride in the front legs

I have the same grill. I got it for free 2 years ago. I replaced the propane hose at that time, and I replaced the burner tubes today. I cook everything on it and grill all year long.

I can't figure out how to mount that little side basket.
Joshua, thanks for the pic. Im going to try and found out if the previous owner still has that rack.
I hope you get mine cleaned up this weekend and see exactly what I am dealing with. I wish I had
more time. It is very difficult to get much done during the week with work and all. Still finishing the
final details on my 1100, and I already started the tear down of the 3000.
BTW, it is not difficult to convert the single cross brace design to a dual, which would allow you to add a metal wire shelf, or even add a custom wooden shelf. Here's my old 700 which had no casters and no basket when I found it:


after I mixed and matched some parts:

Might be, especially the humidity and the rust it brings. Probably the other issue is that there aren’t a lot of people who have lived here long enough to have a grill that old.

