What flavorizers for my Grill, and other questions. (not sure the model)


Wade Lippman

New member
My house came with an old Weber grill. It seems to work fine, but the flavorizers are well rusted.
On the nameplate, it says Model 2260000 and serial number DT0728558. On a side table it says 8128.
It looks like:https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/4151ASKPANL._SX425_.jpg
So I think it is a Genesis Silver C. Perhaps 2003.

1) Does the 2260000 mean a GSC?
2) All the flavorizers have rust on them. Some have heavy rust on the bottom 1", and some reasonably clean. Do they have to be replaced or do they have another season or two in them?
3) If they have to be replaced, Amazon has porcelain coated for $39, heavy SS for $49, or light SS for $29. Given the age of the grill, they don't have to last forever; which do I want?
4) The bars are 22.5" long. Do I want a 7536 or a 7537? Not sure the difference between them.

5) The enclosure around the sparker is largely rusted away. It seems to work, and I don't see a replacement. Is this anything i should care about. (If I should, where would I find a replacemnt?)
6) The paint on the inside of the lid is flaking off. I have removed the worst part and can wire brush the rest. Does it need to be painted, or is bare metal okay?

The rest of the grill seems good. Thanks much.
Inside the lid is not paint flaking, it is carbon from cooking. The inside of the lid is porcelain enameled. If you scrub long enough you can make it shine. Do not ever paint any inside parts of the grill, it is unsafe. Enjoy the grill!
Wade based on that picture I think it is a silver C. Just measure the length of your bars to make sure. They are probably 22.5 inches and you would need 5 of them.

Keep in mind rust is ok and expected on the flavorizer bars. It's only when they rust through that you need to replace them.

If you do replace them the stainless ones last far longer than the porcelain coated ones.

A good reasonably priced source is bbqparts.com

It is a 2003 Genesis LP Silver C SWE.
If you go to this web page and punch in your serial number (DT0728558) you will find out all the info you need. On the second page of the list of publications, you will find links for both the schematics and owners manual.


If you need new parts, you are usually better off buying them from a third party if they are available. But Weber does stock most parts and their prices are not really bad. But if you are willing to go with aftermarket parts, they can be had much cheaper. Or, if you want the cream of the crop, better than Genuine Weber parts, there is a guy that sells Stainless flavorizer bars and cooking grates for weber grills and his are top notch. But you will pay for them. You can contact him through this craigslist add and tell him what you are looking for. He will give you a quote. https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/for/d/weber-flavor-bars/6623719462.html
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Larry I think the "C" uses a 22.5" bars. The "A" models use the 21.5" bars.

Weber #9816 or #7537.

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He needs weber part # 65945 for the flavorizer bars.
Which translates to part #7536 for the porcelain enameled bars. I think #7537 is for the stainless steel version of the flavo bars.
Don't paint lid, just clean.
Don't need to replace the flavorizers as long as they are pretty solid.
Difference between the two part numbers is porcelain versus SS.

I put my serial number in and it comes up with a 2003 GSC SWE. But it shows a model number of 2291001, not my 2260000. When I put 22260000 in it says nothing found. Why can't I find 2260000?!

And finally, is the igniter okay with the housing rusted out as long as it works?

I appreciate everyone's help.
Don't worry so much about the model number. It could mean that it is a black lid instead of a red lid.
Yes, there are many threads on cleaning up and rehabbing these grills. You will find all the info you need to simply clean it up and get grilling or you will learn to completely take it apart, replace or repair anything needing it and finally cleaning it, repainting if necessary and putting it all back together.

But, on the lid, to get you started, use #0000 steel wool and Simple green. Use that on the other porcelain coated parts of the grill as well such as the control panel. You will be amazed at how new it looks after you clean up that beautiful porcelain. It is best to remove the end caps to do this, but not required.
Don't paint lid, just clean.
Don't need to replace the flavorizers as long as they are pretty solid.
Difference between the two part numbers is porcelain versus SS.

I put my serial number in and it comes up with a 2003 GSC SWE. But it shows a model number of 2291001, not my 2260000. When I put 22260000 in it says nothing found. Why can't I find 2260000?!

And finally, is the igniter okay with the housing rusted out as long as it works?

I appreciate everyone's help.

Yup, if the housing for the igniter is rusted but the igniter still works then it's still fine to use. It's an easy fix though if you want to replace it.
Yeah my bad I was remembering that measurement from the Silver A I was rehabbing as the gift for my firiend
Don't paint lid, just clean.
Don't need to replace the flavorizers as long as they are pretty solid.
Difference between the two part numbers is porcelain versus SS.

I put my serial number in and it comes up with a 2003 GSC SWE. But it shows a model number of 2291001, not my 2260000. When I put 22260000 in it says nothing found. Why can't I find 2260000?!

And finally, is the igniter okay with the housing rusted out as long as it works?

I appreciate everyone's help.

Long story short, the database doesn't hold every individual model that Weber ever made. For example, there might have been 14 variations of a 2003 silver c. Some of this you can deduce by going through the parts list in the schematics page. It might show 4 different color lids. Will also probably lost porcelain and SS flavorizer bars. As well as multiple types of grates.

Wrt the flavorizer bars, they just need to be solid, unless of course you want something shiny and new. But, New ones are going to discolor and corrode after a handful of cooks.

As to which to eventually replace with, it's a question of cash flow versus value. The porcelain ones won't last as long, but are much cheaper. Replace buyer's cost more, but they will last a very long time.

Last thing, don't sell this grill short. It might be old, but unless you've found significant rust already, even though it's 15 years old or so, it will probably last another 15 with minimal investment.
The last grill lid I cleaned I ran out of simple green so I used Windex which seemed to work just as well.

Yup it would have read that , I ran out of simple green myself had to redo my lids bought a 56oz jug of Dawn for under 7 bucks since we use it frequently dilute it use the plant sprayer works fine.
To me there would not ever be a reason to buy the weber porcelain coated flavorizors. There are third party stainless bars out there for the same price or just a little more. And the stainless ones should be much more durable.
I agree Greg. If I went with Weber OEM, I would definitely go with SS, but even before that, i would get some aftermarket SS ones for half the price or less. Same quality, half the price. Or maybe a bit more than OEM Weber SS and get some RCPLanebuyer SS bars.

