What Caused this Kettle Rash?


Pat G

TVWBB Emerald Member
I just noticed this today on my Performer, not sure how it happened. Good news is that Weber is sending me a new bowl and ash sweeper. Looks like I will have a new copper planter.

I get that on my blacks ( less noticeable) I always bank my coals on that side of the lid slide and I think that has something to do with it.

Something like this is happening with my black 22" but it seems to be where the grate holders are welded to the bowl. It is a pretty old kettle though.
You don't see it too often on black kettles but older colored kettles you see it all the time. The cause is high heat (KettlePizza like Robert said used as a fire pit). You never see it north of where the charcoal grate sits. It's always from the charcoal grate area, down down.
That’s a nice little piece of information to have, glad to hear it prior to firing something next week!
But, most of my kettles are black anyway for that very reason! The “dark side” has its own rewards.
Think Star Wars, and, relax.
My wife just threw me a serious curve brick and, the black orb of Hephaestus will render the dinner of delight another day!
That’s a tip of the hat to TonyUK. Be safe out there my friend!

