What am I working with here?

Hello all. Newbie to TVWBB. I am trying to figure out exactly what I've got here I think it's a late 90s to early 2000s Genesis 3000?? The numbers on the label under the control panel has long since faded into oblivion. So that's why I'm reaching out. I believe it may be missing the other fold-out table on the right side. If so, can anyone tell me where I could get a replacement one with the durawood? Other than that I think it's complete. She is in pretty good shape for her age. The coating is still good on the grates, the flavorizer bars are not rusted through, and the ports on the burners are wide open and not cracked. Everything works like it should. There's a very minimal rust, I was thinking about doing a restoration but I don't really think it's time. She's old but I like her. I picked her up a while ago she was kept in the garage under a cover for years by another Weber fan. I paid 50 bucks so I thought I got a pretty good deal. I can't figure out how to post pics on here so I sent a link to it.

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Looks to be a late 90s genesis 3000. There was no fold out on the right side on the 3000. The 4000 had a swing up on the right side. In 2000 they changed to solid thermoset shelf's and flip ups.
For $50 you did great!
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It can be anywhere from about 92/93 up to about 2000. There was no changes during that period. It is a 3000 though though unless it's durawood on the slats than it's later in the 90's as my dad's has cedar but it is originally a 2000 that he bought in 92 or 93 brand new
I'm almost positive that 2000 was the start of the B series grills but I'm not exactly sure when they went from wood slats to the durawood, which by the way are made from 100% recycled plastic milk cartons.
Thanks all for the info. It is definatley Durawood. Im guessing by your helpful comments its a 99/2000 model. Not in bad shape for an all stock nearly 20 year old grill.
Brian, if you can find the manufacturer sticker and read the serial number off of it, you can easily determine the exact model and year of manufacture of the grill.

If it isn't under the control panel anywhere, it will likely be on the right edge of the control panel between the control panel and the extra burner shown by the red arrow. You would have to do a little dissassembly to see it. Once you find the serial number for the grill you can use this chart to determine the year of manufacture:
EH xxxxxxx: 1994
EO xxxxxxx: 1995
ER xxxxxxx: 1996
EI xxxxxxx: 1997
EZ xxxxxxx: 1998
EE xxxxxxx: 1999
DD xxxxxxx: 2000
DA xxxxxxx: 2001
DU xxxxxxx: 2002
DT xxxxxxx: 2003
DH xxxxxxx: 2004
DO xxxxxxx: 2005
DR xxxxxxx: 2006
DI xxxxxxx: 2007
DZ xxxxxxx: 2008
DE xxxxxxx: 2009
AD xxxxxxx: 2010
AA xxxxxxx: 2011
AU xxxxxxx: 2012
AT xxxxxxx: 2013
AH xxxxxxx: 2014
AO xxxxxxx: 2015
AR xxxxxxx: 2016
AI xxxxxxx: 2017
AZ xxxxxxx: 2018

Glad I could help. If you get to the Weber.com web site, you can input your serial number and access the owners manual and schematics for your grill as well.

