I have a 2005 Summit D6 and I love it. Cook on it 3 nights a week year round and have not a minute of trouble with rusting. I think it is super versatile and other than replacing some igniter parts that wore out over time it has been great. Living in Tennessee salt air is not an issue. Mine is a built in version so maybe the frame they are mentioning I don't have, what frame I do have is stainless. I restored a 2001 Genesis Gold C and it did have some rust on the frame that I had repaired but not too much. I am a big fan of the Summits!
I'd look into some rust preventative coatings to protect the cart. If you really want to extend it's life, check out the internal channel/frame spray or whatever from Eastwood. From what I've seen, if that grill fails, it will most likely be the lower part of the cart. The bottom pan and the lower frame/legs, especially where the casters are.
Basically, spend another $50 or so and invest some time to try and make the thing bullet proof. Rustoleum makes a clear coat rust preventative spray. Not sure of it's quality, but might give something like that a shot as well for the exposed surfaces.
Then, just be vigilant. If the cart does start to develop some rust, if you catch it early enough, you can mitigate it.
Here is a product I think is worthy of your consideration. It is called EverBrite:
Thanks! That seems like a good preventative measure while its new. Also noted on removing the cover after a rain to make sure everything dries out properly.
You guys are scaring me. I joined because I just picked up a new Summit S 670. My last Weber gas has lasted 20 years (with some upgrades) and I was hoping to get 30 out of this one. Ill keep it covered and hope I avoid some of the issues I am seeing here.
That said, I have always wanted a sear burner, and plan on learning the art of the rotisserie. Smoker function is TBD for me. I may end up covering it for more grill space, as I have already purchased the griddle and plan to make it semi permanent
Thanks Dave,
I thought the fire box issue was possible in the new ones. Great point that it is likely accelerated by abuse (that leads to the curb). Just spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get to the gas orifice. Seems pretty straight forward. Really hoping to get his thing cooking for mothers day.
Still might be tempted to look in to some steps to avoid the corrosion. Really don't love cabinets of any kinds out doors. I have a metal box for my BGE, and if it was not a gift from my wife, I wold dump it and make a table that breathes.
really looking forward to digging in to the site more. Love the little grill icons at the bottom.