What’s Up with Summits?

Buying a new Weber firebox will not solve the problem though. It will eventually rust and rot out. I don’t have the know how and expertise to fabricate my own stainless firebox.

I’m going to start looking for a Crown Verity. They are made of 304 stainless but it’s money.
Summit alternative

Here is just a suggestion coming from a guy who has not one, but TWO Summit junk heaps :summits650::summits650: with no clear plan how to do anything with them. You will get MORE grill space and way more grilling versatility with two Genesis grills vs any Summit. You could get two matching ones or have fun and have one older classic :redgenesis1:and one newer grill:genesissilver:.

I personally would stick with the 1000 or Silver/Gold/Platinum Genesis grills because they are more rugged and easier to maintain. The 05/06 Platinums aren’t easy to come by, but they have a 304 stainless frame and hood and the cast aluminum firebox. Just ditch the closed in cabinetry and you have an almost bulletproof grill.

Perhaps not as glamorous as captaining a starship-sized grill but a lot more practical and less frustrating:o!
Jon, if I needed the extra grilling area, I would take your advice. Most of the time, you don't even need all that fire power anyway. When you do, just fire up the second Genesis and have at it. A lot easier to cook different foods at different temps as well with two separate grills.

Then again, if you want to roast a whole hog for the yearly neighborhood get together, the Six Burner Summit might have its advantages. :rolleyes:
Here is just a suggestion coming from a guy who has not one, but TWO Summit junk heaps :summits650::summits650: with no clear plan how to do anything with them. You will get MORE grill space and way more grilling versatility with two Genesis grills vs any Summit. You could get two matching ones or have fun and have one older classic :redgenesis1:and one newer grill:genesissilver:.

I personally would stick with the 1000 or Silver/Gold/Platinum Genesis grills because they are more rugged and easier to maintain. The 05/06 Platinums aren’t easy to come by, but they have a 304 stainless frame and hood and the cast aluminum firebox. Just ditch the closed in cabinetry and you have an almost bulletproof grill.

Perhaps not as glamorous as captaining a starship-sized grill but a lot more practical and less frustrating:o!

Jon I totally agree. I never thought I would own 2 grills but it works really well for us. I use the 2 burner genesis A for smaller meals, the 3 burner 1000 for larger meals, and both for big family gatherings. Much more versatile than a single humongous grill. And after reading all the summit horror stories on here I wouldn't touch one of those. After years of disposable grills I value longevity.
I have to agree as well. Genesis is the way to go. I highly recommend the tip about drilling weep holes in the legs though. Great advice. I've refurbished several Weber gas grills, and without exception I have had to cut out rotted legs in each of them and weld in fresh metal. I actually like that defect, it's a quick repair that makes a lot of otherwise good grills available on the cheap!
For the small investment I have in it, I'll enjoy this summit. I spend more time looking at my grill than cooking on it, I do put value in the appearance. If you can fix it or live with it being a slowly self-destructing rustbox, it sure is pretty!
Well the floor was backordered but finally arrived. It's done. I'm happy for what I have in it, but I won't be recommending a summit to anyone unless you get it super cheap and want a project.
All that work on the firebox.... what my wife noticed was that the control knobs lite up🙄

Wow, that's a nice looking grill but I agree with having 2 Gennys (3000 and Platinum C) and that setup worked out great this past Fourth.
Nice job, Chad!! Enjoy the grill.

It's probably time for me to scratch the Summit off my wish list. I don't have the know-how to perform such undertaking.
Well the floor was backordered but finally arrived. It's done. I'm happy for what I have in it, but I won't be recommending a summit to anyone unless you get it super cheap and want a project.
All that work on the firebox.... what my wife noticed was that the control knobs lite up🙄

Great job, Chad! Let your wife enjoy the light show while you do the hard part of keeping that lower cabinet dry and clean. I would recommend a healthy coat of wax and maybe spraying rust inhibitor in the seams. I am sure it was a hassle, but you made it through and now have a gorgeous grill. I have a couple more Summits you can have at if your are interested:rolleyes:!

Thanks guys. It's actually not too bad replacing the front panel. The hardest part is finding a sheet metal shop that will bother with the small job. Since it's not seen, you can go with 2B(mill finish) 304. The holes and slots can be done with a couple drill bits, a hole saw, and a cutoff wheel.
Did a couple porterhouse last night. I like the sear burner. I'll keep it until I go built in

