Went to the way back machine last weekend.

Nice busy kettle Jeff!

When I the Vortex first came out, I bad mouthed it because of it's cost. I tried to come up with a decent homemade Vortex, and didn't have a lot of success (several melted) My son wanted us to get one (he was sick and tired of the homemade failures) and bought me one for Christmas however many years ago it was. I have to admit, I love it. But I mostly use mine upside down. Somebody has to make it weird, I'm that guy
I love the Vortex! I poo pooed it then I decided, after seeing some of the cooks here, it looked like a good piece of equipment so, I just bit the bullet and ordered one from from Marty Owens. “The original Vortex” in the medium spice for the 22” kettle, I liked it so much, I ordered a second (small) for the 18” kettle.
I really consider that some of the best money I’ve spent on grilling accoutrement following WSM, and my really fine 304 baskets which are no longer made by the guy who was on the site (memory failure, I apologize) the baskets are seriously heavy and thanks to Chris for hosting this site where fine equipment and makers can share their expertise and make them available!

