Your idea of fun and mine differ considerably, my dear sir.Tellin ya, if you never had food poisoning, you haven't lived LOL.
Your idea of fun and mine differ considerably, my dear sir.Tellin ya, if you never had food poisoning, you haven't lived LOL.
Methinks funny must be in the eye of the beholder as I assure you I've gotten a snicker or two reading my way through some of the visuals in the thread thus far.Well as of this AM I seem to be on the mend. Able to drink some coffee, not sure about breakfast yet. Maybe just some dry toast with jam and see how that stays in. Tellin ya, if you never had food poisoning, you haven't lived LOL. If it wasn't so awful I guess it would be funny
I at least try to keep a sense of humor. But it occurred to me just how dangerous this "slip up" at the store could have been. Despite a couple health issues I'm still relatively strong. I came through it. But, we have a 95 yo neighbor who'm we've kind've "adopted" over the 30 some years we've lived here. My kids always knew him as "grandpa Fred". Anyway he and my dad many years ago became friends and golf buddies, Now Fred who like my dad is a widower living alone has kind of become a member of the family. Renee and I watch out for him, and so on. He's a very healthy 95+ yo BUT had he been here Friday night for supper, I am afraid he would be "no more". Yeah, I was THAT sick, no humor involved here. How could I have EVER lived that down. It would be something I could never overcome.Methinks funny must be in the eye of the beholder as I assure you I've gotten a snicker or two reading my way through some of the visuals in the thread thus far.
The first time I got it I had no idea until the drs at the hospital told me about the avocado issues they found out about. It's when I learned (too late) to wash them prior to use with actual soap and water.Glad your feeling better and you were able to figure it out. The worst is when you have no idea what caused it.
Glad your feeling better and you were able to figure it out. The worst is when you have no idea what caused it.
The first time I got it I had no idea until the drs at the hospital told me about the avocado issues they found out about. It's when I learned (too late) to wash them prior to use with actual soap and water.
In this case there was no doubt in my mind it was the salmon. Since it was the only thing we had for supper that was "fresh" to the house, and the only thing I ate that was different than what my wife ate it was the smoking gun. Absolutely no doubt and when the store mgr admitted to my wife about finding out others had gotten ill, I knew
Larry, can you still steer the porcelain?Normally when I am absent from here for most of the day it's because I am on projects. Today? Something different. Last night had a taste for a piece of salmon. So got a piece at local Schnuks AKA Schmuks. Well today I am battling food poisoning big time. Wife went to the store to tell manager. The fish smelled ok or I would not have cooked it. So I think it may have been contaminated. Anyway been praying to porcelain goddess all day. No fun![]()
Pretty much back to normal. Been a busy 2 days previously. Had contractor here to take out one of my large oak trees. Quite the sight them pulling down that big 60' tree. So after they did all that, they did a bunch of trimming on the 2 remaining oaks and the maple in front.Larry, can you still steer the porcelain?
Thank you. I work very hard on it. Now my grandson will have close to a soccer field when he's here to play and practice as I don't intend to plant another tree. I don't think I have another 50 years left here to make it worthwhileBeautiful yard Larry!