Weight Loss Journey

Great dedication Kemper, you took the bull by the horns and are accomplishing your goals, that defiantly takes some discipline.
When your in town ill take you paddle boarding, you'll love it.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I really enjoy this site. A lot of really good people on here. Good moral support helps motivate me. I've got a little ways to go. But I am determined to achieve that goal. And it doesn't stop there but maintaining it with healthy eating habits. But an ocassional rib or chunk of brisket wont hurt. Everything in moderation. I'll let everyone know when I reach my goal in about 6 months. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.
Congrats!!!! That is awesome!!!! You are doing great!!!!! You are on the right track!!!!! Thanks for sharing your great progress!!!!
Congrats on your progress Kemper!

For the last year or so, I've focused on getting 30 grams of protein at breakfast. 3/4 cup of cottage cheese and two boiled eggs is my usual choice. I'm not trying to lose weight, but trying to eat a healthy diet most days, with occasional indulgences. A high protein breakfast helps keep me satisfied for the next several hours, and I still have a good energy level throughout the morning.
Kemper that is awesome. You should be so proud. I have been on a similar journey. I'm down to 215 from 285 since September, the set backs occur but keep on trucking.
Kemper that is awesome. You should be so proud. I have been on a similar journey. I'm down to 215 from 285 since September, the set backs occur but keep on trucking.

Off Topic:

I don't want to detract from Kemper's success, but I wonder how you lost your weight? I went from a fairly steady 235 near Christmas 2002, to 265 fairly quickly with alcohol & chocolate (crept up within a few months & it just wouldn't go).

It sure wasn't that easy to lose..... I quit smoking in early 2009 & the food cravings were so similar to the nicotine cravings, ignoring them both was a lot easier at the same time.... I held at 215 for a couple years, even bounced just below 200. I sure feel better when I get tuned up.... Injuries keep setting me back. I'm around 235 again.
Congrats Kemper, that's is incredible and with that determination you will make it. Your next step will be to share healthy cooks for us all to try. I know you can do it.
Way to go Kemper!!! Just had a visit with my cardiologist last week and have started my journey to better health. I have high bp and am on all sorts of meds. I weigh 230 and 6'0" and I'm 68 my doctor told me to lose 40 pounds and he was sure I could get off most of my meds. So we splurged last night which I'll post today, so It begins today. I just hope I can be as strong and determined as you are.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Kemper, another question as you have inspired quite a few with your will power, determination and success. Obviously you are a dedicated "smoker" (the good kind with a WSM) and long time tvwbb member. How has smoking fit into the process? You mentioned smoked vegetables, but do you smoke a lot of chicken or other lean meats? Is there an occasional butt, brisket, ribs, etc.?

Kemper, congrats on your weight loss success. And Babygirls too. Keep up the great work.
I love am American success story. Way to go. Looking forward to seeing your end results.
Way to go Kemper!!! Just had a visit with my cardiologist last week and have started my journey to better health. I have high bp and am on all sorts of meds. I weigh 230 and 6'0" and I'm 68 my doctor told me to lose 40 pounds and he was sure I could get off most of my meds. So we splurged last night which I'll post today, so It begins today. I just hope I can be as strong and determined as you are.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Good Luck Rich. I'm pulling for you. You can do it

