Weekends were made for michelob.....

Another nice Instagram vid and a mouth watering steak, dam you Tony, have to go get a nice steak now.
Does the Michelob in the newer bottle taste the same as the gold foiled bottle? Great looking weekend plate!
Does the Michelob in the newer bottle taste the same as the gold foiled bottle? Great looking weekend plate!

I think it taste a little different. A few years ago I did get to drink from the old bottles.
Great looking steak dinner , T 'n M ! The action photos on the smokey joe are killer. Livin' large , Bruh
Sweet post! As soon as I read the title I thought "man that sounds familiar." Thanks for bringing me back with some classic Tupac. Didn't think I'd get my Tupac fix on TVWBB but I like it!
Sorry Tony, this old fart don't like rap ;)

Had to dig this up to cleanse my ears :rolleyes:
The original commercial from the late 1970's:

In the late 70's--as a teenager--I worked in a warehouse with guys in their 20's & 30's. On your birthday, you got a $50 check.....but, you had to bring in a case of beer for the warehouse crew and a jug for the front office bosses. So, I asked my dad what to do. His advice was, since it was my first year, to go big, getting a case of Michelob for the guys and a bottle of Chivas Regal for the front office. Now, I don't remember how much I netted out of the $50, but they didn't think I was a brokeazz, either. Got some respect out of that deal. Never forget handing my dad the money to buy me the goods.
In the late 70's--as a teenager--I worked in a warehouse with guys in their 20's & 30's. On your birthday, you got a $50 check.....but, you had to bring in a case of beer for the warehouse crew and a jug for the front office bosses. So, I asked my dad what to do. His advice was, since it was my first year, to go big, getting a case of Michelob for the guys and a bottle of Chivas Regal for the front office. Now, I don't remember how much I netted out of the $50, but they didn't think I was a brokeazz, either. Got some respect out of that deal. Never forget handing my dad the money to buy me the goods.

Great story buddy.

