Hi Lance, you can do a version of indirect on the Q1200. Here is a link to Weber Australia showing how.
I have both the trivets and convection trays for the 1200 and 2200 and have done chicken breasts and pork loin roasts with success. I don't think Weber sells them anymore in the US but you might find old stock out there. The trivet for the 1200 is 30 cm X 22 cm, so if you find something close it will work with the tinfoil. Just make sure you have enough room around the outside of the tinfoil for proper airflow. Below is a pic of the Weber small grilling basket (not pictured on a Weber) which works great on the Q.
Also, the Q works well for bacon with no mess to clean up.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for the pics, link and info it's greatly appreciated.
I've actually been searching for a old stock trivet all day with no luck, I'll definitely come up with something.