Cody Bratton
Yeah, I don't think I would want to see a propane tank burst... Well, I have seen one get shot by a high powered rifle (.300 mag) at 150 yards, that was kinda cool.
Yeah, I don't think I would want to see a propane tank burst..
So do nitrous bottles, I’ve seen the damage those do when they blow! Ripped the entire back half of a 5.0 liter mustang. Literally the back windows back was just blown apart. (The pressure relief valve clearly failed, in that case).They have pressure relieve valves on them.
So do nitrous bottles, I’ve seen the damage those do when they blow! Ripped the entire back half of a 5.0 liter mustang. Literally the back windows back was just blown apart. (The pressure relief valve clearly failed, in that case).
Yes, and the guy was using a bottle heater. Thankfully no one was hurt. I was in the staging lanes when it blew and he was in the pits and it was LOUDNitrous is much higher pressure than LPG. Still I wouldn't want to be near either of them popping off.
Well I guess maybe I won't paint one black lol
I was thinking the same thing with the gray. Maybe match the color of the knobs and igniter button. Just to tie it in color wise. Or the lid. I do like the white tank though with the logoMaybe you could make something black with the Weber logo, that is removable? Oh wait...
I think the white tank with your magnetic logo looks awesome - and agree that it seems retro.
I guess I'm a sucker for that logo. I keep a cover on my tank and even bought 2 backups when I found a sale.
I bet a light gray tank would look great with the logo and maybe you can find a shade that is close to or at least coordinates with your grill?
I still like those black Weber tank covers. I just wanted to try some new options also.I am not a scientist in any shape, but I would assume that with the black cover, the heat isn't directly absorbed/transferred to the tank like it would be by being painted.
I've seen a few different tanks online red blue and some other colors. I just haven't seen black paintedWell, @MarkCuda painted his tanks red. And he obviously had them filled. So, I guess the place he gets his tanks filled doesn't know about or care about the rules.
I do the same thing. I have several nice ones now that I just get refilled.I've seen grey ones ( painted very badly ) at the exchange places. I usually hand-pick a newer looking one and avoid them.