Weber Performer


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Got this of CL for $60. It has a little over spray and table looks dry and faded. I did a quick cleaning.

Any tips on removing the over spray and bringing the table back to life?

It depends on what the overspray is but lacquer thinner cuts most types of paint usually what it won’t take off soap and water will.

I would try it on a small spot, it won’t hurt the enamel but might hurt the table
I had some paint overspray on the one I got. It looked like someone painted an object on the table and didn't have enough protection on the table to keep all the paint off. Anyways I took some 0000 steel wool and dipped it in lacquer thinner and gently rubbed it out and it came right off.
Make sure you rinse the top real good with soap and water to get all the thinner off so it doesn't attack the plastic. Then do like Bob said use some mineral oil and rub that in as the thinner will dry the plastic out.
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If the steel wool doesn't take care of the overspray, try some Goof Off, but I'd be cautious about using it on the thermoset table.

Nice score.
You will LOVE that Performer! Congratulations on a great deal! It couldn't happen to a nicer guy;)!

Keep on smokin',

