Weber Genesis Platinum, I bought in Wausau,Wisconsin. Will be drastically modified.

Honestly I think (at least to my tastes) it's a little over the top silver. Maybe if you painted the frame black it would give good contrast and help make the other stuff stand out
I like the black cookbox. One huge advantage to painting the frame though is you will not have to do so much finishing work on the bare steel. Just my $.02
Larry I think painting the frame would make getting a stainless steel frame pointless then.
I have no intentions of shinning up the frame, the grind marks don't bother me.
Most frame rust starts on the inside out. So, it really would not make SS pointless. But, each their own. was simply giving my .02
So, SS will rust inside my frame ?
No, what I meant was because it's SS it will not rust, the paint will be simply to style it nicer not to protect it (which is the main reason we paint plain steel in the first place). I'm just thinkin' it would look nice. With too much it might more resemble this :rolleyes:😃😃
You do mark. It will not work very well that way. But we get the idea. What kind of paint did you use on the knobs?

