Weber Emblem Restorations

I once tried to do a full color badge with white lettering and border and a red kettle:

Badge for Skyline Closeup.jpg

It was a LOT of work for this non-artist to get the white part as close to right as I could. I decided then that going forward I would just do the red kettle since, in general, the white isn't that much of a difference from the bright metal. On this Skyline the white did tie in nicely with the white stripes on the Skyline hood.
So I have a weird type of satisfaction out of redoing the emblems. I like different stuff than the plain black and brushed silver. Show us all what you’ve done, whether a stock appearance, something different, products that work, preferred methods, paints, anything Weber emblem related post it here! Here’s a few I’ve done in various stages.
That first one on the left is stunning.
I once tried to do a full color badge with white lettering and border and a red kettle:

View attachment 99911

It was a LOT of work for this non-artist to get the white part as close to right as I could. I decided then that going forward I would just do the red kettle since, in general, the white isn't that much of a difference from the bright metal. On this Skyline the white did tie in nicely with the white stripes on the Skyline hood.
Beautiful. As always. :)

