Blackstone tried to go public a couple years back via a SPAC merger (that never happened). So they were publicly releasing their financials for a while. Which Weber also did until it went back private
Blackstone is smaller than Weber (at least a couple years back) but growing fast and much more profitable than Weber. Sort of what I expected -- newer market segment (griddles) with a lot of room to grow. Versus a more mature business (charcoal and gas grills).
Blackstone Full Year 2022 Guidance
For its fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, Blackstone's outlook for the following financial metrics remains unchanged vs. prior outlook:
- Net Revenue of $608 million, representing estimated 26% growth compared to 2021.
- Gross Profit of $132 million, representing estimated 35% growth compared to 2021.
- Adjusted EBITDA of $81 million, representing estimated 15% growth compared to 2021.
Weber for the fiscal year ended 9/30/2022:
•Fiscal year 2022 net sales decreased 20%, to $1,586 million.
•Net loss decreased to $330 million, or (20.8)% of net sales.
•Adjusted EBITDA decreased 100%, to a loss of $1 million.