Watch out...the EPA wants to "protect" pit masters...

Some of our left coast members should invite those UC Riverside 'researchers' over for some BBQ. That should provide some valuable cost-benefit perspective for them. Or - once they have arrived - they could take a page form Bob's cookbook and release the hounds!


Sarge says " don't be messin with my charcoal "

Im surprised no one has commented on this, anyone familiar with wood burning stoves knows the attack they have been under and the new regulations stating changes like catalytic converters being put on them and the state of Utah toying with outlawing them. No this isn't proposed regulations on bbqs but no doubt they are testing the waters

I think this the fourth post about this issue on the boards.
I gather that many out there don't think this is a big deal. But consider what your federal income tax bill was last year. $17k is about what the average middle class family pays. That means that one of us worked the entire year to fund this foolish waste of resourses.

