wallmart western lump

Still $7.88 here and $5/$3 bag respectively within striking distance.

I haven't bought any yet, but am thinking of getting some of the $3 per bag called in as a favor.
used some last night but it was mixed with leftover briquettes I had in the grill. Light up smell was less than pleasant, didn't spark any worse than any other lump (I don't know why everyone complains about sparks). seemed to burn OK, will update thread once I have a burn with just these
Down to $5 by me, picked up a bag, had to dig around to find one not spilling its guts.
I hope to try it tonight with a burger, thought that will tell if it imparts any off tastes.
Looking forward to what you think of it Bob. We were going to try ours tonight but high winds and heavy rain in the forecast so we will see.
At least the temps are now in the mid 80s down from 104 yesterday.
Read in another forum that Western was bought out by B&B , which is maybe why they're moving out the Western labels. But , maybe not.
The two nearest me show 176 @$5 (200 there yesterday) and the other 132 bags, still at $7.88.
Not nearly that many bags at several other WMs.
Stopped by Walmart's Neighborhood Market today, and while they had a few bags, the price was $11.00.

I'll try a superstore next time.
Stopped by Walmart's Neighborhood Market today, and while they had a few bags, the price was $11.00.

I'll try a superstore next time.
Look at my post number 3, copy and paste the sku into the brickseek link, add your zip code to find prices and locations.
Thanks, Y'all.

Say it has a strong mesquite aroma?

Ehhh...it's mesquite for sure. It doesn't smell close to RO lump or most higher end briquettes. Let's put it this way...its a little pungent, but not offensive. I have smelled some lump that is straight up foul when burning (like burning garbage)!

I smelled my chimney and kettle the next day after the Western and both were slightly hinted the mesquite aroma. By the second day it was completely gone.

I got mine for $3 a bag...so really...I can live with it. At the end of the day, it's an excellent QPR for fuel to...cook basic foods, grill for a somewhat-rustic flair, operate a pizza kettle, light a fire pit, etc.

Put another way...I'll gladly burn over KBB in most applications.
I'll be smoking two butts tomorrow, but I'll be using my old Royal Oak standby this time.

I'll try and pick up a bag of Western after the meat goes on.
Local Walmart was showing two bags on brickseek, but had none.

I then found this at Lowes. Not as cheap and not lump, but thought I'd share.

And you can use a 10% off coupon to make it a little cheaper.

I ended up leaving Walmart with 35 lbs of other brand charcoal and lump, so probably won't grab the Weber stuff right now (as they won't ship, and it's not worth the drive for me to get one bag).


Grilled a couple of NY Strips last night with the Western Lump.

I have since been informed that Western Lump will be the "preferred" fuel for grilling meats.
Local WM was showing 27 bags this morning, so I went and grabbed another bag.
Brickseek now shows 26, so it can be pretty accurate.
They had 200 bags last week, it's going fast.

