Walked away Twce from this CL deal

My guess is the fact that it is NG is limiting the potential customer base somewhat. Also, in the end, it is just a two burner. But, still, I would think someone would jump on that for $175. Much better than a Charbroil or Nexgrill or other throwaway grill.
Bruce you are probably correct there is no market for NG grills in the ATL tough sell cause its a 2 burner on top of that so its probably not worth much more than they are asking.
My guess is the fact that it is NG is limiting the potential customer base somewhat. Also, in the end, it is just a two burner. But, still, I would think someone would jump on that for $175. Much better than a Charbroil or Nexgrill or other throwaway grill.
I'm OK with, in fact, I want a two burner. I'm going to work on my S-210 over the next few days weeks. I do have my eye on a newer model Genesis II GS4 too. I think $275 is a fair price for new including a cover. I can always sell one.
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I know some here feel that these new Spirit IIs are not too great. I will admit that they are not a classic Genesis in durability of construction, but I think they have a nice look in their own way. You can even get a redhead or a blue hood! I don't have any objective proof other than looking at them at big box stores, but I think they are still better than the CharNexWhatever competition. If you feel safe that you are not dealing in hot merchandise and like NG, then I say go for it!

p.s. There is someone offering a 3-burner Genesis II near me for only $100. It is listed just as "Grill" and is in the wrong location on CL. It looks like it may be slightly damaged, but my much bigger concern is that it is stolen. It is certainly worth more than that.

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Jon, I understand your concern with it being stolen, but I guess I wouldn't worry about it. If it was new in the box for really cheap, then maybe, but I just think crooks would be better off stealing easier stuff than a big old grill. That grill does look like it has had some rough treatment too. The left hand table looks a bit askew so I am guessing they are just wanting to get rid of it. It might be a great rehab candidate if it isn't trashed too bad. If it isn't too far, you might want to check it out. You can probably get a good feel from meeting the seller if it is stolen or not.
That’s good feedback. Genesis IIs don’t go for less than $300 around here and most much more. It would be a pretty easy flip, plus I would get to satisfy my curiosity about these newer Weber grills.
Yah, I agree. I would like to get my hands on one and get some hands on comparison with one of them.
Since it is so new, I doubt the flavorizer bars, burners or cooking grates need replacing. Hopefully the igniters are good. Then just a good clean up and maybe some expense if that side shelf is damaged and you could flip that sucker for a quick $200 profit. Keep us posted if you pursue it further.

