Vintage wood handle 18.5" WSM NIB St Louis CL $100

So far, so good. Mr. Correll was kind enough to drive the hour to Defiance, MO to pickup this WSM for me. Now the task of getting it packed and sent to CA. :confused:
Like a cannonball run? I am pretty sure there are some long haul drivers around that could make it work. Or someone knows someone sort of deal.

Shipping it via Greyhound may be the cheapest?
If I was going that way, I’d deliver it just to stop at some of the member’s places for lunch or dinner! I can think of four or five folks that would be fun to meet between St. Louis and San Jose! It might take me a week or so to get it there but there’s a LOT of pretty country out there.
Actually, breakfast of Egg McBob would be a good way to start the trip!
And a cup of good coffee, YOU BET!
There’s a reason I’m closing in on 3000 posts, all the products and,help makes me proud to be a member!
Nice work on the forum Chris and always nice work on product Bob!
OK, that’s breakfast the first day, who is about four hours heading (sort of) West from you Bob?
I think I have to meet with the Dahl’s on part of this cruise. Then Dustin in Texas?
Chris, this could take a LONG time to get to you if I do this!
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