Very First Brisket


Chuck Bench

So, I bought this brisket about a couple of weeks ago from Sam''s just a flat and weighed in at 6.33 lbs...

I injected it last night...woke up this morning at 7 and put some SPG, then Montreal Steak, then a thin layer of regular white sugar...

Went out and lit up a whole chimney of KBB and filled the charcoal pan with Hickory along the edges and KBB in the rest...

Once the chimney was fully lit, I poured it into the center hole I left in the charcoal pan and then laid some Apple wood chips all over the top of the charcoal and put a couple tennis ball sized chunks of Hickory on top also...then I put the brisket on and brought it up to temp...

4 hours later I wrapped the brisket in foil and put it back on the WSM...then I left town for 4 hours an hour away...that's the first time I've left the smoker alone for more than an hour also...nerve racking lol...

Got back, temped the was at 195 and tender so I took the brisket and wrapped it in foil and towels and put it into a cooler...when I went to pick it up off the smoker it broke in way over done...

Then I put some foil wrapped taters and corn in the husk on the smoker and let it ride...

about an hour later I put on a couple of halved vidalia onions in a pan of EVOO on the bottom rack of the WSM...

then another hour later I took everything off the smoker and put the onions and the husked corm on the Jumbo Joe over direct heat to char them up some...

here's some pics...










ok so some final thoughts...

1. I cooked the brisket too long...I foiled at 158 and I thought was a good time to foil...I need to figure out how long to leave it in the foil before taking it off the smoker.

2. I need to heat up the au jus and put it over the brisket...the brisket wasn't bone dry but it could have been more moist.

3. I need to leave more fat on the brisket...I cut almost all of the fat cap off not thinking about what I was doing because it was midnight when I prepped it last night...I also think the lack of fat contributed to the not so moistness of the brisket.

4. Honestly this is the very first time I've ever had brisket...ever...I heard someone say that if it takes like roast beef you done it wrong...well mine definitely didn't taste like roast was very wife loved it and said it was moist enough.

5. Everything else that was cooked on the smoker - onions, potatoes, and corn - was very, very tasty...everything that I've smoked on the WSM since I've gotten it has tasted phenomenal.
One more thing...the other day we went to the local Ace Hardware to get an extra charcoal grate so I could cross hatch it with my original one in the WSM...

When we walked inside, I was like a kid in a candy store...they have a whole wall dedicated to Weber accessories and about 500 square feet of floor space dedicated to Weber grills and products...there was also another 150-200 square feet dedicated to BGE products...very nice setup they have there...

the kids started acting up so I thought it better to get what we came for and leave than to dream about all the things that I could buy lol...

We did pick up a Weber chimney, foil tray hard pan for my E-310, the charcoal pan, and the new Weber grilling book...

I told you this whole long drawn out story to let you know that we also made the Grilled Banana Chocolate Pudding from the Weber grilling book for dessert :D
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A fine first effort Chuck. I think everyone overcooks their first couple briskets, thinking it will get pulled pork tender (it never will). Next will be better. No worries.
thanks Gary...I was so tender it just fell apart while I was cutting it...I figured brisket - long *** time on the smoker...not so much I guess when you only have a time I hope to do a whole packer, but I haven't been able to find one yet
The last brisket I did was a flat only too. I have never done just a flat and it was the worst brisket I have done. Next time get a packer, they seem to be a lot more forgiving.
Thanks turned out pretty good just not exactly how I expected, but then again I've never tasted brisket before either so I really didn't know what to expect...

John, I wish I could smoke a full packer, but I haven't been able to find one yet...I guess I need to start asking all the butchers about it
Great first effort, brisket is a different beast for sure. I've done four and I'm still not completly happy but I'm improving.
Brisket is kind of the hallmark of a bbq'er, very challenging and everyone needs to try it at least once in my opinion. Way to start off with a successful cook on the first time at bat. I say its successful if the better half liked it.
thanks everyone...I thought it was good, but like I said I don't know what it's supposed to taste like lol...

and I'll definitely have to check out those posts about doing it fast and hot...maybe that'll solved some problems...or maybe just create more lol...only one way to find out...
Chuck, congrats on yer first. One suggestion, after it is done cooking in foil and before resting, try leaving it exposed to air for 10 min or so. In my experience this slows the continued cooking down but the meat stays hot for a long time. I must admit that I have only cooked packers, tho.

Chuck, congrats on yer first. One suggestion, after it is done cooking in foil and before resting, try leaving it exposed to air for 10 min or so. In my experience this slows the continued cooking down but the meat stays hot for a long time. I must admit that I have only cooked packers, tho.


I think that's a great tip was definitely way past done when I foiled it...fell into two pieces when I picked it up to put it on the foil

