Venison Pastrami



New member
I recently made Venison pastrami and smoked it on my Weber Smokey Mountain. It turned out very well. Well enough that we had people asking when we would make it again.
I brined it for 5 days, injected it every other day and rinsed it after 5 days then applied the rub and let it sit for 24 hours before it went into the smoker. It took approx 4 hours at 235 degrees before the internal temp hit 150 degrees. One piece was put in the oven and steamed afterwards for 1 and a half hours. The other was sliced immediately and served on a marbled rye with mustard and a side of sweet and sour cole slaw. DELISH!

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That looks nice! Can really tell it's a lean cut - makes me want a panini with swiss & sauerkraut.

Your sandwiches sound good.
That is a very nice looking lean meat. The color is beautiful. Is this wild or farm raised venison?
Man I lover Pastrami and never in a million years thought to make it from Venison. Looks amazing Shawn
Thank you for the kind words. This venison thing is Whitetail deer.. Wild.. I took this deer with a bow and arrow. It is a very lean meat. The muscle in the picture is from the hock area.. We call it the football muscle. I butcher my own deer and the care that goes into it makes all the difference in the taste. The deer are generally field dressed immediately and skinned within an hour. If the weather is warm, they are iced immediately. I hate to see waste and use about everything on the deer. I scrape the bones and veil to get enough for making jerky. The organs are used in various recipes. Last year I made liverwurst but I didn't add any cure and it turned a horrid color.The taste was fantastic but the color put most people off. I made Pate out of tongue once.. Just once..:). My sausage made from trimmings comes out really well. We do 25 lb batches when we make it. Since venison is so lean, we add pork shoulders and end up with a 50-50% pork to venison ratio. I will post some more pictures shortly.

