Vagabond Life


Phil Perrin

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Well, Pammi and I did it. We sold our home of 21 years and moved into a fifth wheel camper! We technically moved TWICE in a couple weeks, as we had to move out of the house and into our smaller camped, THEN take everything out of that camper and van into the new one!
Just under 2 weeks later, we’ve finally got most everything unpacked and put away. Still have some sorting to do outside and some more upgrades to do, but we’re on our way to a traveling lifestyle
The pups do really like the fireplace, and we’re getting used to a king size bed
Upgrades that I’ve done have included a washer and dryer, back up camera, automatic propane switcher, grab bar for the screen door, all purchased through the link. The mattress in a box didn’t come from Amazon, sorry Chris IMG_6028.jpegIMG_6033.jpeg
I'm with Larry-not that your nuts, I just can't imagine myself doing it so my hats off to you both! I have a golf buddy who has a 34 ft 5th wheel behind his Chevy 2500 diesel. He and his wife love it, heading out in June for the PNW and beyond until September. I'm sure it's a great way to see the country, but all I'd be afraid of is breakdowns-thats just me. Sounds like a true adventure.
Wow! We had a hard time downsizing homes. Couldn’t imagine getting into a 5th wheel. But more power to you both. Sounds like a lot of fun and so many places and things to see.

Maybe you’ll start a blog or website and write about your travels.

Wishing you loads of fun and safe miles.
Quite the Land Yacht Phill!! That fireplace looks very cozy. Starlink makes a portable setup, you could have internet 24/7 where ever you go. I could see me doing something like this, but I think from a Sailboat for me. If you should travel to CA, look up the KOA on 44 (Shingletown) or my circular can accommodate you Land Yacht, we'll do a BBQ and hear of your travels. Congrats Phill, live the dream my friend
My brother is not even going the 5th wheel route. He's buying one that looks like a conventional semi truck tractor but on steroids. (much longer). And then he's gonna buy a a Toyota 4 Runner and "flat tow" it all over the place behind it.
They have 2 VERY large dogs, he's got possessions that require him to have a secret walk in safe in his house. IDK how in the heck he's gonna do all this. Hell IIRC the rig alone is gonna set him back a half million and that's for a USED one! I'm stickin with my original "he's nuts" :D
IDK how in the heck he's gonna do all this. Hell IIRC the rig alone is gonna set him back a half million and that's for a USED one! I'm stickin with my original "he's nuts" :D
The problem with Tractors these days, is that they no longer go 2M+ miles. They might go 500K before the $175K motor blows. All that running the exhaust back through the motor and other inventions that do nothing more than cheat Trees from Carbon Dioxide (sorry...rant off)
The problem with Tractors these days, is that they no longer go 2M+ miles. They might go 500K before the $175K motor blows. All that running the exhaust back through the motor and other inventions that do nothing more than cheat Trees from Carbon Dioxide (sorry...rant off)
Yeah, there’s a reason we bought a towable rather than a drivable one!
Back up camera? Naw... I'm sure you can do it by smell! :p Congrats - that's pretty exciting for sure - A woman that I used to work with and her husband did the same thing ago about 4 years ago- they're still going strong and loving it. as @BFletcher points out - it seems the majority of your post over the years have been from the road or camping - you guys are pretty much pros already - Enjoy!
Back up camera? Naw... I'm sure you can do it by smell! :p Congrats - that's pretty exciting for sure - A woman that I used to work with and her husband did the same thing ago about 4 years ago- they're still going strong and loving it. as @BFletcher points out - it seems the majority of your post over the years have been from the road or camping - you guys are pretty much pros already - Enjoy!
Our plan is to do this for as long as we can and our motto is “Adventure before dementia!”
Enjoy your new life, Phil...maybe you'll have as much excitement as these RV folks!
Awesome! Back in 1982 I met Peter Fonda at his Blue Max restaurant in Lahaina, it was pretty cool and he was very pleasant. I've seen most of his movies, but I didn't see Race with the Devil. Will have to see if I can find that somewhere
Nice - Congratulations. My wife and I did something similar in 2014. We sold the house and moved on to a 42' Lagoon catamaran. We sold most of our stuff, took some on the boat, and put the rest into storage. A lot of work but it was what we worked all those years for. 2014 was a lot like this with the polar vortex and we pretty much froze our asses off until we got to southern Fl. I hope that our next adventure may be the great loop some time in the future.

