Enrico Brandizzi
TVWBB Honor Circle
Mache if you want to cook the ultimate brisket its not hard, Take the largest roaster pan you can fit on the top grate of your WSM, set the wire rack inside the roaster pan, add 1"-2" of liquid in the pan, place your rubbed brisket inside the roaster pan fat side up the pan will protect the meat from the direct heat and the fat cap will protect the brisket from the top, cook brisket @ 275+ till done. No need to foil or butcher paper, guaranteed your brisket will be just as good if not better than Franklin's. Make sure the original water pan is removed during this cook.
That's great tip. I'm going to smoke a 17 lb packer tonight and i want to try your methode. So i need some more info, please.
Wich liquid in the pan ( water or broth or beer) ?
Meat on the rack does not touch liquiq. Right?
Obviously, no foil at all, never. Right?
Fat side up trimmed a little or nothing?
No water pan w/ or w/o water at all. Simply i remove it. Right?
How long does it thake to finish. I plan to start smoking at midnight for next lunch 13 hours later. Is it ok w/ 17 packer brisket, considering resting period (1 or 2 h better)?
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