Unicorn Found! The Weber Flat Top FT-400


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I have made comments over the years that I have been on TVWBB about how much I would like to own a Weber Flat Top. If you haven't heard of this obscure grill, it was essentially a 1st generation Summit without a hood but instead with fold-out grease defectors and very cool sliding covers that doubled as side tables. Like its companion Summit grill, it was offered in both 4 and 6-burner sizes.

You don't see these very often at all here in the US, but our friends Down Under 🦘 🇦🇺 loved them, and they were primarily targeted to the Australian market. I understand that even today finding a used one of these there is not as big a deal. Check out this Weber Australia advertisement and imagine yourself with a Crocodile Dundee hat on while you grill out on the barbie!

Weber Flat Top Advertisement.jpg

Well, the Flat Top has eluded me for years, but back this summer, @HankBates posted about a guy in NY selling a bunch of Summits (and a couple Flat Tops). I contacted him, and we had a really nice phone conversation about the challenges of restoring old Summits. I told him how I wanted one of the Flat Tops but that NY was way too far away. No problem! The seller, John Holt, attends the annual Home Show in Indianapolis for his regular business - he said he would be happy to bring it with him! I agreed to pay him electronically back then, based on the trust I felt in our conversation as fellow Weber Summit fans. John turned out to be a man of his word, and today I picked up my very own Flat Top.

Flat Top at pick up.JPG

John gave me a very fair price as this grill is obviously unrestored and has plenty of "Weber fade" on those cool sliding lids. That's OK, it is still such a unique find. By the way, John still has some Summit stuff left if you are interested. He gave me permission to share his email, so PM me if you are interested. In addition to the Flat Top FT-400, I also bought a nice smoker box and a bunch of Summit/'00-01 Platinum knobs, casters and especially cool two rare sets of THICK 304 stainless Weber grates with the fold-up trapdoor for accessing the below grate-level smoker box used in the 1st genaration Summit. (I will post more about the grates in a new post in my old thread about stainless rod grates.)

2 sets of Summit Grates sandblasted.JPG
Summit Grate Set with fold-up.JPG

So, do I believe this Flat Top will actually cook any different than my same size 4-burner Summit if used with the hood open? No, not likely. But the Flat Top is just SO COOL :coolkettle: . I will be looking for that Crocodile Dundee hat, and maybe this summer will have some pictures to post of it in action. I will need a very large "Now that's a knife" to cut my steaks with:D!

I will also be thinking about that Weber Go Anywhere looking "cooking pot" and a griddle. Also, might use the old-style stamped steel grates as shown in that advertisement. I would love to hear your ideas!


  • Summit Flat Top Parts Trove.JPG
    Summit Flat Top Parts Trove.JPG
    199.5 KB · Views: 47
Pretty darn cool Jon. I am curious if by not having a top which keeps less heat trapped if you noticed any fire box issues. Also curious if this model has a higher BTU rating than the same Summit. I would almost think it would need perhaps 20% or so more BTU than it's hooded brethren.
That’s a score! Love the simple lines. That flat top is so cool especially when open. The sliding doors/sides tables are really clever. I bet you’ll be in your garage sliding the those cool side tables back and forth.
Very cool find, Jon!

Regarding the grates, I've got those on my Summit 450 but never found the smoke box to be very useful, therefore I've never gotten much use out of that hinged capability.
Awesome. I am so happy for you.
The ad shows a cover on the right side for holding heat in or melting cheese.
I see a way to build a hood too. Santa Maria, rotisserie, flat grill?

Awesome! The Tofte Museum
Awesome. I am so happy for you.
The ad shows a cover on the right side for holding heat in or melting cheese.
I see a way to build a hood too. Santa Maria, rotisserie, flat grill?

Awesome! The Tofte Museum
Seems like the top is a Weber Go Anywhere lid but with no venting. I can’t tell about the bottom. Is it just a WGA with no internals or openings (I see similar fold out chrome pieces), or is it something shallower and more heavy duty.
Jon, I can't wait to see it cleaned up and back in action. I'll bet those heavy duty grates can look brand new with a little bit of effort.
Yep, IIRC the Go Anywhere gas grill does not have lid venting. So it would be perfect. They can be found quite cheap. How about the BTU rating compared to the Summit?
Super cool, glad it worked out for you and you found a long-time prize! It'll be cool to see how it looks after you get your hands on it and get working!
Couldn't be in the hands of a better guy. I know someday we will see that jewel looking better than the day it was built. Congratulations Jon on a great find.
You and others are very kind. I am going to do what I can, but those large sliding covers/shelves are very faded. As you know, nothing you can do about that “Weber fade.” I am OK with it; it’s just going to be so much fun to cook on it!

I will be looking for that hat🐊😊.
Jon, the good thing about the fade for me is it keeps me from going too crazy on a restoration. I will just clean it up as good as I can, replace whatever and maybe a little painting to make it presentable.
You and others are very kind. I am going to do what I can, but those large sliding covers/shelves are very faded. As you know, nothing you can do about that “Weber fade.” I am OK with it; it’s just going to be so much fun to cook on it!

I will be looking for that hat🐊😊.
You could send the sliding covers to the Porcelain place that @Dave in KC has used and get a custom one-off color.


