Tyler's Morels Dried & Grilled


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Son visited his sister earlier this week and she took him to her morel mushroom hunting grounds.
He came home with a load:

We've been eating them with eggs for breakfast, and on chuck eye steaks for dinner.
I dehydrated 3 trays of these morsels from heaven:


Not sure the dried weight, but they sell for $20 and up for one ounce bags on Amazon and other places.

Yesterday I took the remaining fresh ones to the grill.
Brushed with melted butter, and dredged in Andy's fish breading.

They came from the woods, so I wanted them cooked over carbonized wood.

Pretty sure this is a Royal Oak product.

They deflated pretty fast since they're 70 to 90 percent water.

This is your plated shot, since we were scarfing them down as soon as they came off the grill.

The breading didn't do a lot, but did season them, and helped brown 'em up for a bit of crunch.
We were all craving more!

Happy TGIF, and happy weekend grilling everyone!
Wish I could find those around here fresh out of the woods, absolutely fantastic my friend. You are very fortunate indeed, especially since you know how to cook them right. Well done.
Bob STOP you are killing me with these morel posts!! Our morels are still a weeks away, and I can't handle looking at those. Now I have to wipe the drool of the keyboard.
Well done sir.
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I have NO morels....
Never have, and probably Never will. :p

trying to compete, I bought 170g of Canadian champignons Portabella for dinner tonight....

I think you win. ;)

Great Post Buddy!
Bob, you are one lucky dad to have a son who brings you mushrooms like those beauties! Awesome post.
It has been a good year for them. I think we have found about 5 gal. so far. Haven't tried smoking them yet, but going to now. My favorite way to cook them is sauted in butter.

