Twofer --> Dr P Flat Irons & KFC Thighs


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Two from the past week.

First, flat irons marinaded 50/50 with regular Dr Pepper and Stubb's beef marinade.
Started with some skillet spuds.

Cooked 4 flat irons, here's one of them.


Had a big salad for lunch, so just meat and taters for supper.
Meat juice from slicing drizzled over everything.

Excellent, but no real Dr Pepper taste.

And some Kettle Fried Chicken.
Moist thighs rolled in Andy's chicken seasoning, then sprayed with a little oil.



Plated with some early Florida corn (not too shabby for this time of year)

Skin-on chicken is always tender and crispy when made this way.

Yesterday's Cardinal's opening day was a bust, but the butt I cooked was a hit.
I'll post that up later.
Til then, later folks!
It all looks super Bob!! Love that chicken...only missing thing is the chicken gravy...great couple cooks buddy!
Excellent cooks Bob. There is nothing I would change about either except for putting them on my plates!
Eeny meeny miny mo,
Eet Bob's flat iron & a 'tato,
If he hollers, ledd'um know,
Eeny meeny miny mo.

Eeny meeny miny mo,
Bob made chicken~ doncha know,
i want some, i gotta go,
Eeny meeny miny mo.

think i'll keep my daytime job.
Wow Bob. Those are two fantastic cooks! I'm a little embarrassed to say that I've never tried a flat iron steak before. Heck, I haven't tried the kettle fried chicken, either. I really need to fix that. The DP and Stubb's combo sounds very tasty. Thanks for sharing. Great post!

Hey Bob, while your at it, how about sending a plate of that a few states over to the east of you.
Love the looks of the chicken and was wondering what temp you cook them at?

Pay no attention to me saying Go Braves but they are hot for now. The Cards will be tough again.
Fantastic looking meals Bob!! I love those flat irons but have been having a hard time finding them here.
2 Stellar looking cooks buddy! Really love the taters in the first pic....Freaking PERFECT! I cant decide witch meal i wanna eat so i guess i have to go for a mixed plate! If thats ok with the Chef.

