Bob Correll
R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Two from the past week.
First, flat irons marinaded 50/50 with regular Dr Pepper and Stubb's beef marinade.
Started with some skillet spuds.
Cooked 4 flat irons, here's one of them.
Had a big salad for lunch, so just meat and taters for supper.
Meat juice from slicing drizzled over everything.
Excellent, but no real Dr Pepper taste.
And some Kettle Fried Chicken.
Moist thighs rolled in Andy's chicken seasoning, then sprayed with a little oil.
Plated with some early Florida corn (not too shabby for this time of year)
Skin-on chicken is always tender and crispy when made this way.
Yesterday's Cardinal's opening day was a bust, but the butt I cooked was a hit.
I'll post that up later.
Til then, later folks!
First, flat irons marinaded 50/50 with regular Dr Pepper and Stubb's beef marinade.
Started with some skillet spuds.
Cooked 4 flat irons, here's one of them.
Had a big salad for lunch, so just meat and taters for supper.
Meat juice from slicing drizzled over everything.
Excellent, but no real Dr Pepper taste.
And some Kettle Fried Chicken.
Moist thighs rolled in Andy's chicken seasoning, then sprayed with a little oil.
Plated with some early Florida corn (not too shabby for this time of year)
Skin-on chicken is always tender and crispy when made this way.
Yesterday's Cardinal's opening day was a bust, but the butt I cooked was a hit.
I'll post that up later.
Til then, later folks!