Two ROL with Yukon gold mashed pots, mushroom gravy and grilled zukes

I'm an old man, I'll admit, and I have a hard time keeping up with the latest lingo amongst you younguns. How about posting things in plain English for those of us slow on the uptake?

Make it easy on this tired old man and save me a Google search...What's ROL?
I'm an old man, I'll admit, and I have a hard time keeping up with the latest lingo amongst you younguns. How about posting things in plain English for those of us slow on the uptake?

Make it easy on this tired old man and save me a Google search...What's ROL?
Rack of Lamb. I figured the pics were self explanatory.

Younguns. I wish. Maybe comparatively but not in reality.
I have a weird thing about pictures of food. You know how people that have an affinity for fishing go ga-ga over pictures of a string of freshly caught fish in magazines? Does nothing for me. Or hunters who love looking at pictures of trophy bucks in hunting magazines? Same thing. I usually slide by the pictures and pay more attention to the hardware setup...that's where I learn. I'm more of a hardware guy than a software guy, I guess, but you do some amazing cooks, Brett! Just speak the King's English so I don't have to overwork this feeble brain of mine.
Looks delish.

May I suggest cab franc with lamb?

It's my person fav
Idk if I have any Ca Franc in my collection. I’d have to check. Our first bottle was a Borjon winery but I didn’t read the label. I’ve had this Pinot before and it goes very well with lamb. I might have one of these left.

The mushroom gravy and mashed pots had goat cheese in them. Hidden but perceptible. One more reason I chose the Pinot.
I have a weird thing about pictures of food. You know how people that have an affinity for fishing go ga-ga over pictures of a string of freshly caught fish in magazines? Does nothing for me. Or hunters who love looking at pictures of trophy bucks in hunting magazines? Same thing. I usually slide by the pictures and pay more attention to the hardware setup...that's where I learn. I'm more of a hardware guy than a software guy, I guess, but you do some amazing cooks, Brett! Just speak the King's English so I don't have to overwork this feeble brain of mine.
Thank you. I do try to document so that others can replicate. Hopefully something here inspires you to make it?

I’ll try to be less acronymy and more succinct. I was just exhausted from a full days work and then cooking. But it’s a good tired.
Looks like a wonderful Saturday evening. Not sure how it was up there, but down here the evening got real nice, right after the Giants lost. Probably sat outside for two hours, saw the the Starlinks flyby twice. Pretty cool
Looks like a wonderful Saturday evening. Not sure how it was up there, but down here the evening got real nice, right after the Giants lost. Probably sat outside for two hours, saw the the Starlinks flyby twice. Pretty cool
We started dinner at 7p once the heat broke and then enjoyed a cool evening. We had some dry lightning from the storm down south. But overall, dinner and company were great.
That looks wonderful, and I can't tell you how much I enjoy mushroom gravy!
This was was different than those I made in the past. I added goat cheese to the mushroom gravy as it was cooking. The mashed pots also had goat cheese in them too. A really nice flavor addition without being too heavy or cheesy.
I'll drop one off if you don't find one.

I'm not a huge fan of cab franc, yet lamb brings it out.
Hold on a bit. I’ve exceeded the wine fridge’s capacity and have 5 cases outside the fridge. Wife already yelled at me.
Those racks look really really good. Grew up eating lots of lamb. Now where I live it's very expensive I can get a good prime rib steak for the same price as a small rack of lamb it's ridiculous.
Those racks look really really good. Grew up eating lots of lamb. Now where I live it's very expensive I can get a good prime rib steak for the same price as a small rack of lamb it's ridiculous.
These are Costco. I think they were $14.99#. Pricey but I make this a few times a year. We actually prefer lamb over beef these days but are still not eating a lot of "red" meats. I guess that's why I enjoyed 4 of these last night. It had been a while and it tasted so good.

How far is Costco from you?

