Tuscan Porterhouse

That looks great! tye steak looks perfect. I have not tried the reverse sear yet. When I do - it will be with this technique. Those onions look great - I like the idea of using the skewer. I usually just put them on the grill and flip with a spatula but that looks even better. How about a recipe for the drizzle you use on the onions?



Here ya go John. I whisk together balsamic vinegar, evoo, honey, S & P and onion powder
till I get the flavor profile im looking for. The key is to let the oinions sit in this mixture, flipping
them so they soak it up, for about an hour. Then as they are cooking slow and low brush them
with the mixture.
I agree with Frank. Looks (and sounds) insanely delicious. This may find its way onto Sunday's dinner menu.
Wow! I've got a porterhouse in the fridge waiting for me...and you just changed my prep plans! Thank you!
Thanks for the onion recipe Mack! I did a first try on the onion last night and didn't get it right. I prepped filet during lunch and have it seasoned and on a wire rack in the fridge to try Tuscan filet this evening. I also plan on taking another shot at that onion tonight too.
Got this prepping for grill. Not 100% to recipe, but we've gotta work with what we've got.
Looks great luke. Let us know how it turns out this way, with the garlic and herbs
cooked on the porterhouse.
I've yet to have a disappointing porterhouse steak.... T-bones can be hit or miss. Yours looks great.
My first effort didn't quite measure up. I absolutely love that combination of herbs, and it made my roasted potatoes & roasted broccoli fantastic, but I did a poor job on implementing a reverse sear on the filet. I under-cooked the inside and over-cooked the outside. Still, I absolutely love that combination of herbs. Once I get my reverse sear technique worked out, it will be golden. Here's how it went:


The set-up - low 'n slow on the right (225F) & high temp on the left (lump with GrateGriddle on top), pollen pretty much everywhere:


Steak close-up:

I'm not giving up on reverse searing yet, and I'm definitely keeping the Tuscan influences. I loved the herb flavors. I also loved the juiciness, tenderness, and wall-to-wall color consistency. I just need to dial it in better to get the interior just a tiny bit more done and the exterior more brown and less black. The herbs took the roasted potatoes and roasted broccoli to new heights. I just have some work to do to get up to Mack's standards. I have no doubt I could have nailed it if I were going for cross-hatched sear marks. I'm trying to up my game and go for a total surface sear, and I have some work to do to get there. In the meantime, I don't mind eating my "mistakes." :)
I've yet to have a disappointing porterhouse steak.... T-bones can be hit or miss. Yours looks great.

A Porterhouse is the best of both worlds. When I look at T-bones, I want very little if any tenderloin. Im looking
for a bone-in strip steak.
Outstanding culinary technique, Mack! Your cook gave that porterhouse the special treatment it deserved.
Everyones steaks look great. Maybe I was not clear enough in my post, the garlic, herbs and evoo DO NOT get
cooked on the steak. They are for beasting the steak while it is resting. The steak just gets S & P for seasoning
while it cooks.
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You were clear on that. It was an intentional tweak that I tried. When I dry brine steak, I usually rub some crushed garlic on it too thinking that some of the flavor may get drawn back into the steak with the water and dissolved salt. I've read about folks doing that, so decided to use some of the herbs too. In hindsight, it was probably unnecessary with all of the flavor that the post-grill basting provided. I loved those flavors and will definitely try again. In fact, I used those leftover herbs on some beef short ribs that I'm smoking today.

