Turning Tri Tip


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
about a 2 lb tri tip
seasoned it with KS+P, granulated gaaaalic powder, cayenne pepper and celery seed after it was EVOO'd


direct sear less than a half inch from the coal



then tossed into the basket to rotate it




spun it til the internal temp read 135ºF. Removed the sucker, rested it then sliced'er up.


sopped up that great juice in the rolls....
added cheeses to the scene with Carnival squash and iron skillet taters then called it supper.


hot mayo poured over the taters with enough to dip the halves in also...


Thank you for visiting!
i get irrationally angry whenever I see a tri-tip post. They always look so doggone good, and I can never find any around here.

So Jim, you should take this as a compliment of the highest order: my blood is boiling right now! Those sandwiches look absolutely fantastic.
I thought I was the only one that used cooking rocks. I use them all the time. Counter balance, Prop up food. Separate food. etc. Great looking meal Jim
gee whiz, thanks alot everyone:eek: the tri was good, just enough for a small sammie in about an hour from now :p
phil, when you go to TJ's, buy as many as you CAN! ;)
sean, i did, and i do!:)
Outstanding, Jim!!! I would have never thought of using the roti for a tri Tip. Just another example of why you are the master! :cool:

The food looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

geez Mike, you and i clicked REPLY at the same time:rolleyes:
i thought about making the tri tip tuesday for dinner last night... while it was thawin' and we where out for Thanksgiving dinner at liz' sister's house, someone mention ROTISSERIE....
and i thought, Tri Tip Turning.... whyknot?! :D
Great looking Tri-Tip. Those things are all over the place down here in the stores right now. May have to pick one up again. Also glad I am not the only one grilling with rocks!

