trying the pics again

Dave O: Seems to be a lot of snow on your patio. Is it due to a late break-up in Anchorage or just a spring snow?

I lived in Anchorage from 1971 to 1983 out near the corner of No. Lights and Boniface Parkway (back when No. Lights was a gravel road).
sorry guys the original post was a question about lighting the coal with this torch. Every time i use it, it overlights the briques and my temps run off. this was for a pork butt cook that took ten hours and I got sucked into other business and forgot to take pics! will post next one, i'm planning a beef rib cook soon!
anyone use this torch and have tips for how long to keep the flame to the coals?

to Ron A : We had both this year, gotta love Alaska!
Dude it seems to me that you would be better off with a charcoal starter and some of those little weber starter cubes... Ive got a side burner on my gas grill that I use to start the coals in a chimney, but if I didn't and I had that contraption (which I believe is a weed killing device) I would go out and buy those two things. Probably $20. Hope that helps.

