Triple, Triple, Triple... Triple for Smoke Day 20


Michael Richards

TVWBB Emerald Member
Third Memorial Day Weekend in a row making birria and Mexican Rotisserie chicken.
Three different kinds of beef, chuck, short ribs, and back ribs.

Three chicken on the spit.

With the goal of making at least three meals from this cook.

Started this morning with the birria red sauce.


Decided to use my late father in laws kettle today, she did great!

After all the beef got seared, into the pot with all the blended red sauce and a little more water.


At the hour make the chicken joined the party.

Chickens done.IMG_20240526_160728.jpg

Beef done.

Meat remove

Meat shredded.

Consume doable strained.

Chicken pulled.

Chicken turned into empanadas filling.

Beef and chicken empanadas.


That was just the primer for tomorrow's Quesabirria beef and chicken tacos. I will add photos tomorrow of that addition to this cook.
Michael, that’s a stunning days work! Don’t you just love auto correct? I had the re read “Consume doable strained” twice to figure out that it was “Consommé, double strained”!
And, YES, share that “Birria” recipe!
Thanks @Wilmer Cogburn and @Timothy F. Lewis yeah sorry about the auto correct error.
For the Birria, this is one I did a lot of research on a few years ago and created a hybrid/personal recipe, that I could not be any more pleased with and have made minimum changes to over the 3 cooks I have done.

Gringo's Birria

5-6 lbs beef. (This is where I made a change this year and will make a bigger change next year. I added the beef back ribs this year and they were great. They were the best meat while I was pulling it. I will move away from the he short ribs, as they have always been the tougher meat when I cook this, and will try two chucks and the beef back ribs next year. You want some bones in this cook to add rich-ness and thickness to the Consomme)
5-6 Dry Ancho Chilli
5-6 Dry Guajilio Chilli
2-10+ Dry Arbol Chili (this adds the heat, add to your heat liking. I am a wimp, so we go with 2. Two little Arbols add heat at the end, but not overpowering or strong)
2 lb plum tomatoes
1 large white onion
20 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns
1 Tablespoon Oregano
1 Tablespoon Cumin
3 Tablespoon Kosher Salt (Mortins)
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil
Heat oil
Add cut oinion
Start to sweat and brown the onions
Add cut tomatoes
In another skillet toast pepper (stems, seeds, and ribs removed)
Add garlic to onions and tomatoes
Add toasted peppers to the garlic, onions and tomatoes
Add seasoning
Let cook for 5+ minutes. All the moisture from the tomatoes work to rehydrates the peppers. (See first two photos above).

Blend the mixture. I add a little water to this process.
Breath in the amazing smell of the red sauce!

Now to the grill, set up a two zone cooking setup. Put the cast iron pot right over the he fire, and sear all the beef on all sides.
Once all the beef is seared, move the pot over to the cool zone, and add all the beef, the red sauce, and water until pot is full. Mix and loosely cover.

3 to 4+ hours at 350/400 (until meat is tender) Yesterday was 4+ hours at 400. Check to make sure you do not need to add water. Add water if need.

Once meat is tender remove from grill.

Remove and shred/chop beef and double strain the Consomme.

*Here is why we eat empanadas on day one, and Quesabirria on day two.

Refrigerator the Consomme overnight. The fat will create a crust on top.
Remove that fat from the Consomme, and reheat both separate.
Reheat the beef with a good amount of Consomme.
Rehydrate corn shells
Dip shells both sides in fat, fill with beef and oaxoca cheese and sear to make the Quesabirria tacos (or as they are known in my house SMASH TACOS!!!!)
Served with a bowl of Consomme to dip.
Serve with homemade beans and rice.

I really think this is one that is worth the effort. It is a once a year cook for us, but my daughter asked for it at least monthly and I am like, yep I will make that for you again.. on Memorial Day Weekend.
Saved your tips for future cook.....
I had Birria on Friday but ordered it as a special from an authentic taco bar we took a road trip to.
It was everything I was hoping for.
I have some 4 pound beef chuck roasts in the freezer I usually use for pulled/PSB eats, will do your thoughts once here shortly.
I have everything I need for it already..
Saved your tips for future cook.....
I had Birria on Friday but ordered it as a special from an authentic taco bar we took a road trip to.
It was everything I was hoping for.
I have some 4 pound beef chuck roasts in the freezer I usually use for pulled/PSB eats, will do your thoughts once here shortly.
I have everything I need for it already..
I will be watching for it!!! I know you got this one and I think you will love it! I would love to know how it compares to Friday nights.
My only question is about the red sauce......I have made similar but used it as a salsa type sauce......
You don't use a ton of water while making the pan portion before blending...just enough to get it smooth in the blender is how I went about it.
But you add lots of water to the pot with everything in it ( sauce and beef ), and you double strain it??? This comes out thin enough so the taco dip is of like soup like texture?
Every time I have had it the birria " dip " is like soup like thickness....just want to make sure I followed the posts above correctly.
This is how the Consomme looked day two. Removing the fat to heat separate to dip the shells in.

The remain Consomme gets heated, added to the beef and chicken to prep and the served to dip the tacos in

Making some beans and rice.

Time to start prepping the beef, chicken, and both the fat and the Consomme.

Beef up close!

Griddle of Beef

And Chicken.

Ready for service.

And my plate. 3 beef tacos, beans, rice, and dipping sauce. I got a forth taco later.

Those quesabirria tacos are amazing. My daughter said we need to make this at least twice a year.
This is how the Consomme looked day two. Removing the fat to heat separate to dip the shells in.
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The remain Consomme gets heated, added to the beef and chicken to prep and the served to dip the tacos in
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Making some beans and rice.
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Time to start prepping the beef, chicken, and both the fat and the Consomme.
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Beef up close!
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Griddle of Beef
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And Chicken.
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Ready for service.
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And my plate. 3 beef tacos, beans, rice, and dipping sauce. I got a forth taco later.
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Those quesabirria tacos are amazing. My daughter said we need to make this at least twice a year.
Twice a week.
My only question is about the red sauce......I have made similar but used it as a salsa type sauce......
You don't use a ton of water while making the pan portion before blending...just enough to get it smooth in the blender is how I went about it.
But you add lots of water to the pot with everything in it ( sauce and beef ), and you double strain it??? This comes out thin enough so the taco dip is of like soup like texture?
Every time I have had it the birria " dip " is like soup like thickness....just want to make sure I followed the posts above correctly.
Everything you are sharing here is right on point. I use very little water during the making of the red sauce just enough to make blending go a little easier. Then when everything else is in the the pot I add a little more water. Even at that point I don't think it was much more that a cup.

I do double strain it, just through a wire strainer and I do use a wood spoon to push some through.I think if you look at the photo right when I took the beef off the kettle, you can see how thick and chucky and cloudy it is verse the double strained that is reflective like glass! For us we use the Consomme to add to the chicken and the beef, so we really like it strained. Having it strained also helps separate the fat. Due to the bone morrow, even double strained when the Consomme reheats it has some viscosity to it.
You could totally leave it thicker if you want.
Still eyeballing this up......taking thoughts on if I can get this completed in one day if I started nice and early......
Is there enough time to get things cooled off and then ready to cook again in good eating time.......:unsure:
Still eyeballing this up......taking thoughts on if I can get this completed in one day if I started nice and early......
Is there enough time to get things cooled off and then ready to cook again in good eating time.......:unsure:
You can totally get this done in one day. If you start early preparing the red sauce and grill takes an hour. Sear the meat and get it all in the pot 20 minutes, then 3 to max 5 hours on the grill. Once it is done, after a 20 minute cool you could separate the meat on liquid. Prep the liquid however you want then get it in the fridge. The fat will start to solidify on top within an hour. It may not be as easy to separate (as it is with an overnight rest) when you are ready to cook the tacos, but I know you could make it happen in a day.

