Traditional New Year's meal


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Happy New Years everybody! Down South on New Year's Day we traditionally eat Pork, Black Eye Peas, and Turnip Greens. In my house we add sauerkraut because our pork is usually Brats. I also add a local sausage to the grill called Conecuh.

I got to thinking: what are your family traditional meals on New Years?
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Happy New Year Dwain!

When my folks were alive, fresh Kielbasa was made on New Year's Eve, then served at breakfast with ham, eggs, sometimes Kiszka and fresh baked bread.

Most recently (circa 1995), New Year's Day had/has pork BBQ ribs. I've been making them every year since on January 1st.
Kielbasa will also be served today, but not from my Babcia's original recipe.
We always get Chinese food New Year's eve, enough for leftovers New Year's day, That and any lingering leftovers from Christmas and the days that follow
Always a Beef roast and roasted root vegetables. Some good Polish & Kraut and Perogies.
I usually feed a crowd.:)
I'll add a veggie tray for the sally's...

Since college my wife and I have done a lot of entertaining at our place. New Year's Eve was always a huge event and lots of beef was cooked. Every year there would be brisket on the smoker for New Year's Day. Our New Year's Day traditional meal is brisket hash and smoked potatoes with eggs along with a few bloody Mary's. Now that all of our friends have grown up and have families I don't have many that are here the next morning to share it
New Years Day is actually my birthday, so my wife, even before we were married, (some 35 years ago, how time flies) organized a 'birthday' party in my honour at her parents place, which is in a superb location where their front yard is located on a Sydney waterway. So, for 35 years + unless we were overseas, we have a party on New Years Day afternoon at the same location, and share a meal as the sun sets over the river.
It's not much of a wild party, but an excuse to catch up with loved family, friends and neighbours at least once a year.
As friends married and had kids, they would bring them too,so we have been able to see them as babies, then watch them grow up. The core group of friends we started with still turn up, some now with different partners, but that's life.
The menu has not really changed from the start. My wife is a very good cook particularly deserts. We start with nibbles, dip and great cheeses, then for the meal, she makes the day before, a beef lasagna (with fresh pasta mde by her), salami and good tomatoes, couple of salads (these have varied over the years) and I contribute a cauliflower chili pasta dish (which is also easy as you can make the sauce the day before).
For 'puddy-puds' my wife makes a great 'pav' (Pavlova- arguably Australia's national dish), Dutch apple pie, cheesecake and a trifle if my brother-in-law gets his way.
For my birthday 'gifts' the attendees bring good beer (often the temp here is in the 90-100F+ and you can be thirsty) and fine wine, to be consumed (mostly) on the day.
We eat and drink, very well.
And I nearly forgot- I get a birthday cake as well!
This year there were some changes, due somewhat to you guys and girls here. My brother-in-law insisted I do some St Louis ribs (he even went to Costco himself -best place in Oz for US style cut ribs-and paid for them himself-unheard of behaviour). we live two hours from Sydney, so I brought the WSM-mini up. He managed to buy three of the biggest racks I have ever seen, so getting them done in the mini was 'fun', but they did turn out well, and will now be added to the menu. So the advise 'you-all' give here on the VWBB must be pretty good, so thank you!
And I reheated the lasagnas in the Weber Summit Silver C4 I restored for my father-in-law.

To all here, (a special shout-out to Barb and Rich) thank you, and have a great 2016.
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To all here, (a special shout-out to Barb and Rich) thank you, and have a great 2016.

Barb and I have such great success with the Weber gas kettle conversion that Stephen R sent us we decided because of the weather to do a whole chicken on it. It came out perfectly moist and crispy skin. Had a baker and some zucks as sides.
Happy Birthday to Stephen and lets hope for a peaceful and prosperous 2016 for all of us.
Mexican food, tamales a must, on New Year's eve. New Year's Day, it is collard greens, black-eyed peas and ham........
we go with a smoked whole turkey with the trimmings as it is just far away from thanksgiving. Easy to smoke, given the day after NYE, and mighty tasty with leftovers as well. Happy New Year to All!!!!!!

