Top or bottom vents: what difference does choosing one over the other make?



When I am smoking on my 22" OTG, I typically close the top vent to 50% to lower the temperature. I generally leave the bottom vent wide open.

If I am shooting for cooking low and slow, does it matter which vent I close? I want to try to maintain the same 225 temps while extending the life of my charcoal for as long as possible (such as an overnight cook).

Has anyone had experience comparing the results of: 1) top vent closed halfway/bottom open, 2) bottom vent closed halfway/top open, 3) top and bottom vents closed halfway...etc.?
I used to use that method a lot. I have since visited the "" site and used his method with extremely good results! Check him out. I've taken taken his marking a little farther and have marked at 1/4 bottom as well.
Doggone it! I've just had lunch and now I want to grill off something!
Before I owned my first WSM I used to smoke a lot on my 26 otg. I've tried every combination imaginable and found the best one to work for consistent temps and lasting coals is top full open and bottom barely open less than 1/8 open. Typically I cook at 250 and have had good luck holding this temp with this vent combo.

I also bank coals to one side and foil the charcoal grate to force the cold air to the coals only. It's been a few months since I used the kettle to smoke, but I prefer to do ribs flat so when I do ribs this vent combo suits me.
If you're using smoke wood by keeping the top vent only partially open you could end up with an ash tray taste as you want the smoke to pass over the meat and exit not get trapped in the lid. I always on my performers and wsm leave the top vent wide open and control the temps with the bottom vent/vents.
Top vent wide open, regulate temps with the lower vents.
As Rich states you could run the risk of trapping too much smoke in the grill.
I'm a big fan of the full chimney effect.
I run an ATC (Stoker) which supplies forced air to a lower vent. So basically, I'm adjusting my lower vent(s) for temperature control. Under certain circumstances I also sometimes adjust the lid vent, but not often.

